Lightbox info overlay covering browser scroll bar

In lightbox when selecting a size larger then "fill" I can't get to the browser bottom scroll bar. I see it
after waiting the 3? sec for the overlay to disappear. But when hovering the scroll bar the overlay
pops back and makes the scroll bar inoperable. Firefox
IE - Same thing but can wiggle my mouse some and the scroll bar shows a small portion on right side
which can be operated.
This is a huge problem in my family galleries as I have photographed full album pages and most times
the "original" has to be viewed and scrolled to see the multiple photos on the page.
Edit: viewing "original" in IE LB bottom scroll bar completely unusable.
after waiting the 3? sec for the overlay to disappear. But when hovering the scroll bar the overlay
pops back and makes the scroll bar inoperable. Firefox
IE - Same thing but can wiggle my mouse some and the scroll bar shows a small portion on right side
which can be operated.
This is a huge problem in my family galleries as I have photographed full album pages and most times
the "original" has to be viewed and scrolled to see the multiple photos on the page.
Edit: viewing "original" in IE LB bottom scroll bar completely unusable.
That's beautiful in Chrome, but unfortunately the scrollbars in Firefox 27 are 21px wide, not 15. For IE10 it looks like the magic number is 17px. (At this point the SM developer involved would be fully justified in using rude language in reference to browser variations.) So while the fix is functional -- and I do appreciate getting something out as quickly as possible -- I look forward to a little polishing. I've patched my own site already for Firefox, but I'll let SM deal with the zillions of other browsers.
(This bug is also discussed at, but I've not cross-posted.)
Jim Ringland