Need a 2nd laptop...

I've been searching for a complete tethering solution recently (not Lightroom, that's for and have been turned-on to "Control My Nikon" which seems to be a very elegant piece of software. Only as of this date and into 2015 they won't have a MAC version. Bummer. But I'm so hot to do this act I'm into getting a second laptop as a temporary solution. Nothing fancy, in fact one of my geek friends advised me to check out AMD quad core processor-equiped units to save some bux. Obviously, it'd have to be a bit RAM-heavy, but I'm really not interested in doing anything but the tethering software and of course some 'net surfing...any suggestions? Can I get out for $500?
Charlie Groh
(tin can tied to the bumper)
(tin can tied to the bumper)
I just bought a refurbished Lenovo 510 from one of the computer refurbishers ( Tampa computers) for under $400. It has a Win7 operating system, 4GB ram, etc. I think they can offer more RAM if needed.
Hey, thanks man for the info! Turns out I ended up with a new copy of Win 8.1 (been meaning to mess with the OS in any case) and installed a virtual on my Mac. Bestest solution by far...I'm only out a hundred bux and have all the punch of my maxed-out you've never seen a Windows OS boot so quickly! Hahaha, almost a head-slap and "duh" thing!
(tin can tied to the bumper)
VMware Fusion. Absolutely no problems as of this date. An IT friend of mine got this stuff installed when we set this thing up a year or so ago...of course I didn't leave the original Win 7 install alone which engendered this latest avoidable
(tin can tied to the bumper)