Mini-Challenge #190: Dramatic Summer Weather

Let's keep with the summer theme and see some dramatic summer weather! Let's see thunderheads, rainbows, lightning, tornadoes (!), big sunsets/sunrises, ominous skies, whatever! Try to make it at least some kind of weather that you don't usually see outside of summertime, or that you associate with summertime.
Challenge runs until the end of the month - Thursday July 31st at 11:59:59PM EDT.
Here's some meager examples, and they're not even as dramatic as what I'm hoping to see, just what I can put my finger on at the moment. Good luck!

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Usual Stuff:
1. Have fun sharing and seeing what others share!
2. The host supplies a topic and YOU POST 1-3 IMAGES. The host judges the winners (1st, 2nd and 3rd) and is not eligible to enter. The 1st place winner becomes the next host, chooses the next topic and becomes the next judge.
3. Any photo you’ve taken is eligible, regardless of when taken or camera used.
4. Any amount of post-processing is allowed. However, it is helpful if you list your camera and lens along with your photo.
5. You may comment on other contestant's images. If you want someone to leave you some critique or criticism, just ask within your post.
6. The winner has up to three days (72 hours) to begin a new mini-challenge, or the honor goes to the #2 finisher and so forth.
1. Enter 1-3 photos and put them in a single post.
2. Either embed your image in the thread or, if you must, supply a link to it. Keep in mind, however, most people don't want to click to open photos hosted elsewhere (i.e. on your website).
3. Also try and resize your photos prior to posting so they're sized appropriately for viewing without having to scroll (~800 pixels on the longest side works best.)
4. Give each image you enter a title.
5. Enjoy discussion with members about their images, don't let this just be an entry thread!
6. When quoting a post, change the IMG urls to a 200x200 size picture so it is clear your post is feedback and not another entry. (See here for help).
7. Don't be hesitant; share 'em and enter!
Mini-Challenge pointers:
1. Upon winning a mini-challenge round, your first step is coming up with a new theme and starting a new thread using the same format as others have used.
2. Make sure to notify the admin of this thread to update the main thread links with your entry thread.
3. Feel free to watch the thread as it grows or wait to the end time and look at all the entries all at once.
4. After the time/date has passed, then officially close the thread with a single post notifying everyone of the fact.
5. After you're finished judging, start a new thread (again using the prior formats) and post your Winner and runners-up. It is important to have runners up in case the winner does not show within the 72-hour window.
6. PM the winner with this info above and let them know they have 72 hours to set up the next mini-challenge.
7. If the winner does not show/start the next mini-challenge after 72 hours, notify the next runner-up and post a message on the Winner thread of the fact.
8. Remember, if you're the Winner, you run the next mini challenge!
Challenge runs until the end of the month - Thursday July 31st at 11:59:59PM EDT.
Here's some meager examples, and they're not even as dramatic as what I'm hoping to see, just what I can put my finger on at the moment. Good luck!

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Usual Stuff:
1. Have fun sharing and seeing what others share!
2. The host supplies a topic and YOU POST 1-3 IMAGES. The host judges the winners (1st, 2nd and 3rd) and is not eligible to enter. The 1st place winner becomes the next host, chooses the next topic and becomes the next judge.
3. Any photo you’ve taken is eligible, regardless of when taken or camera used.
4. Any amount of post-processing is allowed. However, it is helpful if you list your camera and lens along with your photo.
5. You may comment on other contestant's images. If you want someone to leave you some critique or criticism, just ask within your post.
6. The winner has up to three days (72 hours) to begin a new mini-challenge, or the honor goes to the #2 finisher and so forth.
1. Enter 1-3 photos and put them in a single post.
2. Either embed your image in the thread or, if you must, supply a link to it. Keep in mind, however, most people don't want to click to open photos hosted elsewhere (i.e. on your website).
3. Also try and resize your photos prior to posting so they're sized appropriately for viewing without having to scroll (~800 pixels on the longest side works best.)
4. Give each image you enter a title.
5. Enjoy discussion with members about their images, don't let this just be an entry thread!
6. When quoting a post, change the IMG urls to a 200x200 size picture so it is clear your post is feedback and not another entry. (See here for help).
7. Don't be hesitant; share 'em and enter!
Mini-Challenge pointers:
1. Upon winning a mini-challenge round, your first step is coming up with a new theme and starting a new thread using the same format as others have used.
2. Make sure to notify the admin of this thread to update the main thread links with your entry thread.
3. Feel free to watch the thread as it grows or wait to the end time and look at all the entries all at once.
4. After the time/date has passed, then officially close the thread with a single post notifying everyone of the fact.
5. After you're finished judging, start a new thread (again using the prior formats) and post your Winner and runners-up. It is important to have runners up in case the winner does not show within the 72-hour window.
6. PM the winner with this info above and let them know they have 72 hours to set up the next mini-challenge.
7. If the winner does not show/start the next mini-challenge after 72 hours, notify the next runner-up and post a message on the Winner thread of the fact.
8. Remember, if you're the Winner, you run the next mini challenge!
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
I missed the deadline on the last one so I am entering this one early.
1. Red sunset (taken tonight)
2. Namibian wild sunset
Still thinking about the last one… I have never photographed storms or thunderstorms and the weather is pretty calm right now. I have never seen a tornado and my rainbow pictures are pretty lame… Maybe a storm will happen before the closure of this mini :-)
Update 30 July - 3rd entry
3. Huge rainbow!
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I decided that dramatic sunsets were too easy so I don't have any of them or any of the puffy cumulus clouds.
So these aren't the best photos maybe but they are the best I can do to show summer weather.
Rainbow after a storm taken in 2004 on the Patuxent River
This is the best hurricane photo I have - after Hurricane Irene in 2011 -
this was a house down the street from us with the driveway blocked by a utility pole (we had no electricity for a week)
and part of an old tree "de-branched"
All my photos from Isabel are point and shoot film camera photos so they all have a time stamp and while they are good for that type of photo, they aren't equal to photos of a proper photographer.
And I took this last week. We were pinned down in a BBQ restaurant until this violent thunderstorm passed
In fact, we don't really get "ominous weather" but certainly not in summer!
We do get sunsets and sunrises.
When we lived in California, where we lived summer was foggy. Until we went into the central valley where it was HOT.
"Ominous" weather is just one possibility. The word in the title of the challenge is "Dramatic", not ominous.
Tropics? That's still summer.
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
because it would be dramatic, but NOT summer.
If you are in the tropics, you don't really have summer or winter - just wet and dry. And a photo taken in Guatemala in March would also not be appropriate.
I didn't mean that other people shouldn't consider sunset photos, but I decided to eliminate those type of photos from the ones that I considered in order to cut down on the possibilities. I would really have liked to have a photo that showed hot sun and people sweating, but I don't have any photos like that, or at least I do have some beach photos but they are all point and shoot film photos.
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
This one was an accident
which I think was caused by a dying camera battery as I did not see this in person (even though I took the photo).
These clouds occur after severe weather.
Yes, hence the name "mammatus clouds". That is really what they are called. :-)
I can we will be GREAT friends! Thank you for liking the picture!
Let's see some more pics!
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
Farmhouse by robinloud, on Flickr
Thanks to DeborahL for letting us know the name of the "baby butt" clouds below. These showed up after a large storm rolled through Mariposa - in the Yosemite area. Not the best shot, but I was so excited to see these clouds I think I was jumping up and down!
Another shot from Mariposa
Foresthill, Ca. Interesting rays through the clouds.
Book 2:
1) Stormy Lake District (UK)
2) Rainbow Island (Yes it's real!)
3) Rainbow 2
Good luck everyone
Ominous Skies
After the Storm
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
Here we go...
Honorable mention to DeborahL for enlightening us with this cool shot of Mammatus Clouds!
Third place: Namibian Wild Sunset by ShootingStar
Love the backlighting on the clouds and the crown of shadows. Also the glow behind the silhouetted hillside.
Second place: Ominous Skies by Earache
Great capture of an approaching storm, the clouds look fluid, rolling, and threatening.
First place: Rainbow by Alans Grin
Love the intensity of the rainbow, the sliver of golden field, and the wall of ominous clouds that make the rainbow and field pop. Definitely makes me think of summer.
Congrats Alan! You're up!
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
Thanks Jack, there were some very beautiful shots submitted.
Congratulations to all! Thank you, Jack, for the honorable mention. It is, indeed an honor to mentioned, and a very pleasant surprise
I was really pleased with that capture because although on a wildlife shoot in a UK bird reserve I did chuck my wide angle in my pack at the last minute. My wife and I got caught in the torrential storm and had to run to the nearest bird hide to try to avoid being completely drenched. After the storm passed over this was the view we were rewarded with - for me, it was worth a bit of a soaking!
I'll setup a new challenge shortly.
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What part of Challenge runs until the end of the month - Thursday July 31st at 11:59:59PM EDT didn't you understand?
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.