...I travel 90 percent of the time for my job, which often takes me to remote regions of the globe. Just last week I spent 15 days in Kenya and amassed 16 gigs of raw pictures which when translated to jpeg equals about 7gig. I shot over 1200 photos.
Sounds like a dream job to me.
Someday, I wish to do the same with covering car events around the world.
Let me set the record straight.... I travel 90 percent of the time for my job, which often takes me to remote regions of the globe. This collection has been buildt over long period of time. Just last week I spent 15 days in Kenya and amassed 16 gigs of raw pictures which when translated to jpeg equals about 7gig. I shot over 1200 photos.
While I can't say every photo is award winning. I can claim that anyone who has never been to any of these remote locations would definitly feel they had been there after viewing my photos.
Given that I travel atlot, when I am at home I spend my time with my family. So computers and photography come after. Which doesn't leave much time.
As far as a status update I am currently in the process of restoring and organizing my photos for transfer. Since I have limited time at home its going slower then I had expected.
Hey bl8ter,
This has probably been said before in this thread so I apologize for repeats, but the JPEG setting you save your photos at makes an enormous difference in size without affecting quality.
For example, top labs like whcc recommend you save your images at JPEG 10 because it produces 1/3rd the file size and no one has been able to tell the difference in quality with a 12. 12 is usually double the size in bytes of the camera super-fine setting as well.
As far as a status update I am currently in the process of restoring and organizing my photos for transfer. Since I have limited time at home its going slower then I had expected.
I can't wait to see your collection. While I have no where near as meny images as you do, I'v decided to upload a bit more of my good and decent images.
I also salute you for putting family first when you're home.
Just last week I spent 15 days in Kenya and amassed 16 gigs of raw pictures which when translated to jpeg equals about 7gig. I shot over 1200 photos.
Been there. Done that. Have the T-shirt. Several actually. Last time it took me 30 minutes to wade out the 400 out of 1200 initial keepers that I liked best. And that is after chimping each night through the days pictures, and deleting the ones that were not keepers anyhow. Of the 1200 remaining, on my computer 800 images proofed to be only so so, and definitely not good enough to bother anyone with. My problem is that no one in their right mind is willing to see the 400 remaining images. So I used another 30 minutes made a "the very best of" of only 60 images. This is the series I will show and share. The other 340 I did keep, and will put on Smugmug for those who are really interested. Not having to keep track of the deleted images sure saved me time in worrying about keeping them, storing them, etc.
But then again, I'm probably just bad at taking pictures. And I do relate to the feeling that being home should mean spending more quality time with your family, and not let the computer dictate your life. I'm looking forward to seeing your images.
I just stumbled across this thread and am blown away. The level of customer service shown here is incredible. The more I poke around the site, the more I realize I made the right decision to give SmugMug a try to help get me going for photo sales.
Ok, so I realize this topic is fairly old at this point, but I'm really curious as to waht happened with this. Did this guy ever sign up? Or did smugmug install all the equipment and it is now sitting around waiting to be used? Eitehr way i still give SM props for their costumer commitment.
Some 90 percent of my images are on DVDs will need to be restored to my machine for uploading
Would you mind sharing a bit on how your photo recovery worked from your DVDs, did you get any failures ?
I only had ~20GB stored a few months on DVD but when I tried to recover them 2 out of 5 DVDs gave me reading errors on some files ... fortunately I still had the files on several hard disks.
I only had ~20GB stored a few months on DVD but when I tried to recover them 2 out of 5 DVDs gave me reading errors on some files ... fortunately I still had the files on several hard disks.
McGil, what brand of DVDs did you use? This issue has been troubling me for awhile, and lately I've heard very good things about Verbatim DataLifePlus DVDs. I'm now using them exclusively for everything but the stuff I need only temporarily.
McGil, what brand of DVDs did you use? This issue has been troubling me for awhile, and lately I've heard very good things about Verbatim DataLifePlus DVDs. I'm now using them exclusively for everything but the stuff I need only temporarily.
I used Memorex ... I thought they were good ... I used to use their audio tape in the 80's
A co-worker tested several brands of DVD-/+R's himself. By buring it, then reading back, and reading the number of errors out of the drive (some burining software displays that under "drive info" -- there is a number of retries that the drive will do transparently, without reporting any errors, but records that in stats). Memorex were the worst. Verbatim, even regular cheapest ones, were the best with 0 errors, as were DataLifePlus (Memorex had many thousands of errors).
So we've always said "unlimited storage" and we mean what we say. We're happy to take your photos and host them, but we need a little time to prepare.
Just so you know, this is something like a $20,000 first-year commitment for us in terms of disk space, power, cooling, and physical space. You'll basically have two complete RAID arrays to yourself in our datacenter. Of course, you'll only pay your $30, $50, or $100 per year, depending on your account level. Again, we're happy to do it - but I want to be up front here and let you know that we need to order some equipment and get it installed to accept your photos. We're not geared for accepting 2.5TB overnight.
We'll also be buying extra image processing machines just for your batch of photos. Luckily, once yours are done, everyone else at smugmug will get to benefit from them, so I don't consider that a cost to host you.
Does that sound fair? Can we ask you to hold off while we order and install the equipment and power required?
How the heck do you people stay in business?! Hey, I appreciate the great service and all, but sheesh! Even if you had 75% of your users using little space and bandwidth and the other 25% going crazy, I'd suspect you'd still have low profit margins with what you're offering.
How the heck do you people stay in business?! Hey, I appreciate the great service and all, but sheesh! Even if you had 75% of your users using little space and bandwidth and the other 25% going crazy, I'd suspect you'd still have low profit margins with what you're offering.
But who am I to argue? I'll take it!
It's got to be a "law of large numbers" game. The high storage users (like me) get balanced by the casual users who may only add a few galleries a year to make an average that is probably quite reasonable. Meanwhile storage costs are dropping faster than sensor megapixels are growing.
It's analagous to unlimited friends and family cellular calling. If everyone really took advantage of it, the network would be overloaded, but most don't so they can use it as a marketing strategy to attract new customers and the average usage across millions of users doesn't actually go up much.
I have a feeling that the larger storage users sell more photos too (to increase the revenue they generate). I don't sell a ton, but SM has made much more than the $150/yr subscription in print revenues from me.
Funny this thread got resurrected. I was wondering what ever happened to him. This thread went a long way to convince me to go with SM, and I have not regretted it. Last i remember the hardware was installed & waiting; sounds like the 2TB of data never materialized & all the rest of us filled up those servers instead.
I know I'm using up a good chunk of space, but I also do some modest sales (hopefully more than that as time goes on), and use some space for family who are also ordering prints, so print revenue ought to be balancing the costs.
Getting some questions about 'unlimited' since Phanfare has apparently changed the meaning of the word today. Lest anyone call our version of 'unlimited' into question, here's my post from earlier in this thread from 2005, which still stands.
Wow, that must be close to 500,000 JPEGs! Quite a collection - I can't wait to see them.
So we've always said "unlimited storage" and we mean what we say. We're happy to take your photos and host them, but we need a little time to prepare.
Just so you know, this is something like a $20,000 first-year commitment for us in terms of disk space, power, cooling, and physical space. You'll basically have two complete RAID arrays to yourself in our datacenter. Of course, you'll only pay your $30, $50, or $100 per year, depending on your account level. Again, we're happy to do it - but I want to be up front here and let you know that we need to order some equipment and get it installed to accept your photos. We're not geared for accepting 2.5TB overnight.
We'll also be buying extra image processing machines just for your batch of photos. Luckily, once yours are done, everyone else at smugmug will get to benefit from them, so I don't consider that a cost to host you.
Does that sound fair? Can we ask you to hold off while we order and install the equipment and power required?
After going through the presentation and being a SM customer with over 340gb online, SM is the way to go. You guys have a passion for your business like we have a passion for our businesses.
Someday, I wish to do the same with covering car events around the world.
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This has probably been said before in this thread so I apologize for repeats, but the JPEG setting you save your photos at makes an enormous difference in size without affecting quality.
For example, top labs like whcc recommend you save your images at JPEG 10 because it produces 1/3rd the file size and no one has been able to tell the difference in quality with a 12. 12 is usually double the size in bytes of the camera super-fine setting as well.
I can't wait to see your collection. While I have no where near as meny images as you do, I'v decided to upload a bit more of my good and decent images.
I also salute you for putting family first when you're home.
Been there. Done that. Have the T-shirt. Several actually. Last time it took me 30 minutes to wade out the 400 out of 1200 initial keepers that I liked best. And that is after chimping each night through the days pictures, and deleting the ones that were not keepers anyhow. Of the 1200 remaining, on my computer 800 images proofed to be only so so, and definitely not good enough to bother anyone with. My problem is that no one in their right mind is willing to see the 400 remaining images. So I used another 30 minutes made a "the very best of" of only 60 images. This is the series I will show and share. The other 340 I did keep, and will put on Smugmug for those who are really interested. Not having to keep track of the deleted images sure saved me time in worrying about keeping them, storing them, etc.
But then again, I'm probably just bad at taking pictures. And I do relate to the feeling that being home should mean spending more quality time with your family, and not let the computer dictate your life. I'm looking forward to seeing your images.
any word on what happened ?
I'm curious as to the outcome as well.
Would you mind sharing a bit on how your photo recovery worked from your DVDs, did you get any failures ?
I only had ~20GB stored a few months on DVD but when I tried to recover them 2 out of 5 DVDs gave me reading errors on some files ... fortunately I still had the files on several hard disks.
McGil, what brand of DVDs did you use? This issue has been troubling me for awhile, and lately I've heard very good things about Verbatim DataLifePlus DVDs. I'm now using them exclusively for everything but the stuff I need only temporarily.
How the heck do you people stay in business?!
But who am I to argue? I'll take it!
It's got to be a "law of large numbers" game. The high storage users (like me) get balanced by the casual users who may only add a few galleries a year to make an average that is probably quite reasonable. Meanwhile storage costs are dropping faster than sensor megapixels are growing.
It's analagous to unlimited friends and family cellular calling. If everyone really took advantage of it, the network would be overloaded, but most don't so they can use it as a marketing strategy to attract new customers and the average usage across millions of users doesn't actually go up much.
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Glass: >Sigma 17-35mm,f2.8-4 DG >Tamron 28-75mm,f2.8 >Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro >Canon 70-200mm,f2.8L IS >Canon 200mm,f2.8L
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I know I'm using up a good chunk of space, but I also do some modest sales (hopefully more than that as time goes on), and use some space for family who are also ordering prints, so print revenue ought to be balancing the costs.
Wonder if we'll need a maintenance alert of "Guess who's uploading tonight?" when he comes back?
anyway........looks like the OPs been detained on his travels ...
At one time, the 2 TB would have been hard to swallow, but no more.
*eyes pile of DVDs in corner ...*
When SmugMug says Unlimited, we mean it.
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