Chal "new" by ginger

I went down to the marsh (12/27/2005)

To get this photo:

of the New Cooper River Bridge, and I almost got sucked under the mud which was like quick sand. My shoes got pulled off, individually, I kept throwing them ahead of me. I did lose a sock completely to the mud. I couldn't carry my backpack, so I kept throwing it ahead of me. Finally, I couldn't stand up at all, so I crawled in spurts back to some solid ground. A lesson learned...................and this photography stuff can be dangerous.
Because of the tide, I am not going to be able to get out there at a good time any time this week. But I do have to go back and get a sunset photo, or something close to it, and keep on the look out for other things.
First, I have to warm up. And let my shoes dry off. Bill got most of the mud off, he said.
This is the best picture I got. I went there, 5 minutes away, at 8 AM, I was hoping for better light.

To get this photo:

of the New Cooper River Bridge, and I almost got sucked under the mud which was like quick sand. My shoes got pulled off, individually, I kept throwing them ahead of me. I did lose a sock completely to the mud. I couldn't carry my backpack, so I kept throwing it ahead of me. Finally, I couldn't stand up at all, so I crawled in spurts back to some solid ground. A lesson learned...................and this photography stuff can be dangerous.
Because of the tide, I am not going to be able to get out there at a good time any time this week. But I do have to go back and get a sunset photo, or something close to it, and keep on the look out for other things.
First, I have to warm up. And let my shoes dry off. Bill got most of the mud off, he said.
This is the best picture I got. I went there, 5 minutes away, at 8 AM, I was hoping for better light.

After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
my stuff
Sometimes photography can get rugged, sometimes you even have to lose a sock.
Setup: One camera, one lens, and one roll of film.
While I haven't "quite" risked life and limb, I have found myself in some places that weren't entirely safe in the name of photography!
I do have an aversion to wet, sticky, slimy marsh muck! That would have stopped me cold! No photo is worth that!!!! But I'll climb out on rocks, get really close to cliff edges (first I try to remember when we last had rain -- the wet ones crumble easiest) and even though it's very difficult to get back up, I will get down on the ground when using the swivel lens doesn't quite work.
That's one interesting bridge! We haven't seen any like that, altho there is one somewhere up the coast. We were supposed to get a new bridge across the bay, but I haven't heard anything recently.
Will the old one be kept or torn down?
Now I am too warm.
Yes, I am liking the second one more and more. I like the way the light is hitting the front. I let that light come out, thought I had blown it, but I was down for the count, sooooo, anyway, I agree with you all.
It is too late right now, and I really don't want to, go out and take a sunset shot, there would be no clouds in the sky anyway.
Dee, they are blowing the old one up slowly, piece by piece. Big events each time. Then the pieces are being taken out for a man made reef for the fish!
Also, what I did with the marsh, I had done it before and gotten away with it. In other words it had been drier before. I will never do that again unless it is definitely certified low tide. That stuff "sucks". It is indescribable and dangerous. I was wondering, before I went to sleep, about all the people who go out in the marshes after oysters and stuff.
Anyway, when I lived in Denver, I went too high up some rocks, with my husband to be (we were young) and my young children, they were red rocks (doesn't matter). The thing I learned about rocks is that it can be very different going up (easier) than it is coming down (almost impossible). That is kind of how the marsh was. By the time I knew I was in trouble.........I WAS definitely in trouble.
I think all's well now.
Thanks for looking and commenting,
ginger (I took photos while I was on my way back, I was darned if I was going to lose my shoes, socks and life and get nothing. And I called my husband to tell him where I was. He couldn't understand me, he doesn't know this area, it is not where he works. So, I told him that if I didn't call back in ten minutes to call someone.) The irony was that second picture was taken outside of the dangerous area, smile.
Next time they blow them up, they will be in the main shipping canal and only have a certain number of hours to get the debris cleared away. Mega fines could ensue!
Meanwhile, there is the "ghost" of the Old Bridge, along with the New one.
I worked this up post haste, it is probably the most close up of my feet and shoes. My bag was pretty muddy, too. After all I was throwing it ahead of me, onto the mud, as I crawled. Actually with the grass out there, well, I had to throw things onto some bits of grass or they would have gone down immediately.
Anyway, I sat here and learned to breathe again. It was the first place I felt really safe. Being the photographer type, I did take photos of my feet and shoes. I tried to compose it as artistically as possible with the trees, grass and all. If you want a photo of my bag, I will have to work up another one, but this is best of feet and bag, plus it is probably more artistic.:D
Thanks for recognizing the amt of work I put into my photography.
Did I mention that the temp was in the thirties and my foot felt little pain as it was numb.
ginger, i salute your diligence
my stuff
Oh, and by the way. The bridge photos are beautiful. I love the juxtaposition of the new on the old. And the colors. And the perspective. I agree that the second one is probably best, but I love the colors in the first.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
However, I am hoping to avoid a repeat, or continuation of these types of things. I had to order new tennis shoes today, and those WERE new tennis shoes. To say the least of the face issue........ So I think it would be a great idea for a thread of mishaps, I hope that someone else could contribute next...........not that I am wishing misfortune to anyone, maybe it could be a photo of a past mishap, hopefully forgotten.
I kid you not when I say, sad to say, but those may be my best photos. Or in collaboration with Bill as he took the face one, I took the feet one. (On the face one, I was the art director, I told him exactly what I wanted.)
Title: Changing Landscape Date: 12 28 2005
"Osprey Whisperer"
Photo-a-day 2013
My PS CS2 crashed, the only program on my PC. It was illegal, had planned on going legal in Feb with tax return.
Now I can't do photography til then unless I come up with the money. No credit cards, no credit, no money, no savings..............I finally asked a dog owning friend.
It is 500.00 as I have the registration for Elements 2, found it in their data base. I was legal at the beginning. But it is not enough to qualify me for 169.00 deal.
I am going nuts.
Or more........................
I was working on more of those bridge photos when it kept crashing the whole PC after many warnings of program error. As long as I dont' use it, the PC is fine.
Did I mention that somehow I got sick: sore throat, headache, etc. I could run over and do the bridge photos anyway, but I have nowhere to put them. So. No good there.
Sorry to rant AND Whine, ..................
I have been totally honest with them, even cried. Except some of the spontaneity was lost with Bill translating.
We were going to Ace Basin today. Bill's only vacation.
ginger (love that lens. wish I had a bunch of lenses. Having three does not leave any to sell.)
I'm trying not to be next in your series. I nearly fell in the creek a couple of weeks ago trying to get a reflection shot in one of the few spots where there wasn't a significant amount of ice.
HAHAHA, you need to try harder!
My grandson is a college student. I asked about 3 months ago, or longer, that he look into this for me. No dice, DAMN!
Sometimes kids today drive me nuts! (Some kids)
Thanks for the suggestion, I don't know any students other than the grandson. Nor teachers.
It gets wearing to "beg" for this.
In actuality Amazon has these things for 150.00, but I am afraid that they aren't legal, that is where I first started my life of photoshop crime.
ginger (watch those injuries, but if they happen, you know what to do.....) Photograph!
I don't know if it is better or worse.
This one is strange, and needless to say it is the NEW bridge. I guess you could call some of these, Ring in the New and ring out the old........bridges."
Above, I turned around and grabbed this shot as I was leaving....
Below, this is the first one I took this morning, or one of the first ones, no sky color, or not much! The sun rises the other way. It is a strange day here, it looks grey out my window on this side of the house, but it looks like sunshine on the other side of the place. I would guess that it is still grey all over.
The last one is a bit later, just before I left, before I took the first one above.
This is the same one with a frame.
I am getting a tad tired of this bridge........and the weather is not supposed to get better either.
Anyhow, I wish you a healthy, productive and fun new year with few frustrations and many pleasures.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
There are some good photos and photo books out already of bridge photos. I was thinking of looking at one to get ideas, but I don't have access to planes, boats, etc.
I do have some photos that are as good as most of the photos that are out, but then there are those exceptional ones that someone else does where you just go........WOW (and how?).