holy smokes! you've been a member since february and you jsut now had your first post?! i hadn't been lurking for more than a day or two before i just HAD to post something. i guess that would explain my almost 400 posts since october, and just over 6 a day average.
My New Year's Resolution is to stop lurking and participate. Joined a long time ago and have very much enjoyed reading and looking. So, here's my favorite photo of 2005, & my very first post, all in one.
From the Oak Openings Metropark, outside Toledo, Ohio. I walked this trail today, nothing but mud and clouds; nowhere near as much fun as last January when I took this.
Roger, so glad you decided to stop lurking! Keep the shots and posts coming!
I love the labs! Great shot, you can just see the energy in them. I love the expression on the chocolate lab's face.
Daniel, I've got to get my posts-per-day up (I've handicapped myself pretty hard). I signed up when I first discovered the site; but didn't really start spening a lot of time around here until about a month ago.
I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen
Hi Ya, great shot..
Eric, I too have white and black dog (no brown as yet)!...what settings did you use for this shot... metering (on who/what?), focus, iso, etc. etc. (the works) thanks!
It is a series really-- a coronal aurora borealis in september. I've seen the "Northern Lights" a few times-- both from the ground and while flying, but the night these photos were taken, it was as if the sky had burst into flames. My camera, Rebel XT could not do it justice, so I just kept the remote locked and kept snapping while my wife and I stood side-by-side amazed, our hands shaking from the excitment and our voices cracking with the emotion one gets when witnessing pure and unaltered beauty.
If you'd like to see the others, they are on my smugmug website.
Without a doubt the best photo for me for 2005. On the deck in front for the Chateau Frontanac (bad spelling I know) I turned to see the most beautiful vista with not a soul in site. I snapped up the shot and did some cool post process stuff in PS. I love this photo. Great memories with the trip too.
smugmug: www.StandOutphoto.smugmug.com
Roger, so glad you decided to stop lurking! Keep the shots and posts coming!
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Daniel, I've got to get my posts-per-day up (I've handicapped myself pretty hard). I signed up when I first discovered the site; but didn't really start spening a lot of time around here until about a month ago.
Happy New Year to all!
WOW ed ! You should go full time up there mate
All care but no responsibility
Did I catch him poss'en or he me shoot'en?
My Website index | My Blog
I used to do thatf or a living....Yes I was in a circus once....Very nice shot
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
No seriously I did what nokout3839's pic is of. along with juggling and acrobatics, clowning, all sorts. Those were the days
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
This is my favorite. The food, the memories, the place. All Awesome. Railay Beach, Thailand.
I Live at http://www.alaskamountainforum.com
Yeah, great fun. My sister is learning them, I had a go but I mainly got kero soot all over me!!!!
Thanks for the comment.
Cheers, Nigel
All care but no responsibility
My favorite
I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen
Oh that is adorable, love the expression
This summer's wilderness photography project: www.tessa-hd.smugmug.com/gallery/3172341
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Link to my Smugmug site
Eric, I too have white and black dog (no brown as yet)!...what settings did you use for this shot... metering (on who/what?), focus, iso, etc. etc.
This is just one of those photos that I am jealous of, absolutely [FONT="]fantastic.[/FONT]
All care but no responsibility
Downtown Dallas Skyline by Night
Texas State Fair Midway and Ferris wheel in Motion
Arlington, Tx
OMP member #: 173034
Canon EOS 5D : Bogen 3051 tripod : Bogen Monopod : Bogen 3030 head unit : Canon Speedlight 580EX : Canon EF 28-200 F3.5 : Canon 70-200 f2.8L : Canon 24-70mm F2.8L and other Canon Gear
The camera doesn't make a bit of difference. All of them can record what you are seeing. But, you have to SEE." - Ernst Haas
If you'd like to see the others, they are on my smugmug website.
Hmm...my images don't seem to be showing....
Without a doubt the best photo for me for 2005. On the deck in front for the Chateau Frontanac (bad spelling I know) I turned to see the most beautiful vista with not a soul in site. I snapped up the shot and did some cool post process stuff in PS. I love this photo. Great memories with the trip too.
Art is anything you can get away with.
Rootsrock Inc.
Where I make $$ from my hobby and you can too
Check out My Gallery