Curved lines
Next: various colored rectangles
various colored rectangles (as part of the ongoing mural project in Salem, MA)
Next: shades of pink
Shades of pink Shades of green
Shades of green
Next: Colored stribes
Colored stripes
Next: Circular shape
circular shape
Next: rust colored
Rust colored
Next: diamond pattern
Diamond pattern
Green and black
Next: Fireworks texture
Fireworks texture
Next: Converging lines to a point within the picture
Converging lines to a point within the picture (note: it's a different picture from the one I deleted above)
next: multiple circles
Multiple circles
Next: Orange and blue
Orange and blue
Next: Ruffled texture
Ruffled texture (it's a Great Tit)
Next: water drop texture
water drop texture
next: arch shape
Arch shape
Next: stairs shape
Stairs shape
next: helmet shaped
Helmet shaped
Next: sabre shaped
sabre shaped
next: checkerboard pattern
Checkerboard pattern
Next: star pattern
Star pattern (celestial stars)
sphere shape
Sphere shape
Next: bubble pattern
bubble pattern
next: green, yellow and red
Green, yellow and red
Next: pyramid shape
Pyramid shape
Next: verdigris colored
verdigris colored
next: intersecting lines
Intersecting lines
next: pale blue (not sky or water)
My pale blue Volvo Amazon
Next: vintage car shape
Curved lines

Next: various colored rectangles
various colored rectangles (as part of the ongoing mural project in Salem, MA)
Next: shades of pink
Musings & ramblings at
Shades of pink

Shades of green
Shades of green

Next: Colored stribes
Colored stripes

Next: Circular shape
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
circular shape
Next: rust colored
Musings & ramblings at
My SmugMug
Rust colored

Next: diamond pattern
Diamond pattern

Green and black
Green and black

Next: Fireworks texture
Fireworks texture

Next: Converging lines to a point within the picture
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
Converging lines to a point within the picture (note: it's a different picture from the one I deleted above)
next: multiple circles
My SmugMug
Multiple circles

Next: Orange and blue
Orange and blue

Next: Ruffled texture
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
Ruffled texture (it's a Great Tit)

Next: water drop texture
water drop texture
next: arch shape
My SmugMug
Arch shape

Next: stairs shape
Stairs shape
next: helmet shaped
My SmugMug
Helmet shaped

Next: sabre shaped
sabre shaped
next: checkerboard pattern
My SmugMug
Checkerboard pattern

Next: star pattern
Star pattern (celestial stars)

sphere shape
Sphere shape

Next: bubble pattern
bubble pattern
next: green, yellow and red
My SmugMug
Green, yellow and red

Next: diamond pattern
Diamond pattern
Next: pyramid shape
My SmugMug
Pyramid shape

Next: verdigris colored
verdigris colored
next: intersecting lines
Musings & ramblings at
Intersecting lines

next: pale blue (not sky or water)
My pale blue Volvo Amazon
Next: vintage car shape
My SmugMug