Next: field pattern from above
Fields from above
Many circles
Next: shape of brass musical instruments
Shape of brass musical instruments
Next: pearl or ivory surface texture
Ivory surface texture (hope it's okay that it's carved & polished)
Next: Shape of any type of pasta, but not a pasta (shape only)
spaghetti shape, but not real spaghetti
Next: ferris wheel shape
Ferris wheel shape
Next: Multiple starburst shapes
Multiple starburst shapes
Next: shape of tree needles
The shape of tree needles
Next: pine cone shape
Pine cone shape
Next: green and brown
@Jørgen_Bjerring said: Next: green and brown
I could have used my previous picture
But I chose a different one:
Next: hat shape
Hat shape
Next: clan pattern
Lady in a clan kilt
The next picture will show food container shapes
Food container shapes
Next: Shape of old kitchen utensils
Shape of old litchen utensils
next: orange and grey (and not a lot of other colours)
Orange and grey (and not a lot of other colours)
Next: shape of old iron wheels
shape of old iron wheels
Next: rust colored
Rust colored
Next: grid pattern
Grid shape
Next: lifebuoy shape
Lifebuoy shape
Next: porthole shape
porthole shape
Next: feather shape
Feather shape
Next: Shape of a drop or droplets
shape of a drop or droplets
next: oval shapes
oval shapes
blue-green color
Blue-green color
Next: spiral shape
Spiral shape
Next: straight line shape
straight line shape
golden color
Golden color
Next: silhouette shape
silhouetted shape(s)
wavy texture

Next: field pattern from above
Fields from above

Many circles
Many circles

Next: shape of brass musical instruments
Shape of brass musical instruments
Next: pearl or ivory surface texture
My SmugMug
Ivory surface texture (hope it's okay that it's carved & polished)

Next: Shape of any type of pasta, but not a pasta (shape only)
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
spaghetti shape, but not real spaghetti
Next: ferris wheel shape
My SmugMug
Ferris wheel shape

Next: Multiple starburst shapes
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
Multiple starburst shapes

Next: shape of tree needles
The shape of tree needles
Next: pine cone shape
My SmugMug
Pine cone shape

Next: green and brown
I could have used my previous picture
But I chose a different one:
Next: hat shape
My SmugMug
Hat shape

Next: clan pattern
Lady in a clan kilt
The next picture will show food container shapes
My SmugMug
Food container shapes

Next: Shape of old kitchen utensils
Shape of old litchen utensils
next: orange and grey (and not a lot of other colours)
My SmugMug
Orange and grey (and not a lot of other colours)

Next: shape of old iron wheels
shape of old iron wheels

Next: rust colored
Rust colored

Next: grid pattern
Grid shape
Next: lifebuoy shape
My SmugMug
Lifebuoy shape

Next: porthole shape
porthole shape


Next: feather shape
Feather shape

Next: Shape of a drop or droplets
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
shape of a drop or droplets
next: oval shapes
Musings & ramblings at
oval shapes

blue-green color
Blue-green color

Next: spiral shape
Spiral shape
Next: straight line shape
My SmugMug
straight line shape

golden color
Golden color

Next: silhouette shape
silhouetted shape(s)

wavy texture