My Vision by J Steele
“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” (Elliott Erwitt)
My Vision by J Steele
“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” (Elliott Erwitt)
My Vision by J Steele
“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” (Elliott Erwitt)
My Vision by J Steele
“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” (Elliott Erwitt)
polished brass or copper colour (this is brass)

Next: Leaf pattern but not a real leaf.
Leaf pattern, but not a real leaf
Next: pattern of squares and triangles
My SmugMug
Squares and triangles

Next: Blue and Yellow
My Vision by J Steele
“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” (Elliott Erwitt)
Blue and yellow (sky and leaves)

Next: flowing water texture
Flowing water texture
Next: rocky pattern
My SmugMug
Rocky pattern

Next: Bumpy texture
My Vision by J Steele
“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” (Elliott Erwitt)
Bumpy texture
Next: shades of brown
Just found some parallellograms, but I'll save that for a next time
Shades of brown (behind the gauges)
Next: gauge shape
My SmugMug
Gauge shape:
Next: switch shape
Switch shape
Next: weathered paint texture
My SmugMug
weathered paint texture

Next: two random colors (the image can only have two colors in it. It has to be a color image, no black and white)
Green and terra-cotta colour
Next: statue shape
My SmugMug
Statue shape
next: rust color
Musings & ramblings at
rust color

Next: Chrome color
Chrome colour
Next: Weaved pattern
My SmugMug
Weaved pattern

Next: zig zag pattern
Zig Zag pattern
Next: grid shape
My SmugMug
Grid shape
next: red color
Musings & ramblings at
Red color
Next: Pattern of parallel lines
--Ralph Moon
"You look one moment and there's everything, next moment it's gone.
Photography is very philosophical." -- Joel Meyerowitz
pattern of parallel lines
next: blue
Musings & ramblings at

Next: Cloud shape
My Vision by J Steele
“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” (Elliott Erwitt)
cloud shape

Next: black and white contrast colors(has to show straight contrast, without grey.)
Pure black & white contrast
Next: heart shape
My SmugMug
Heart shape

Next: Pink and White
My Vision by J Steele
“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” (Elliott Erwitt)
pink and white
next: curving lines
Musings & ramblings at
curving lines

Next: pink and green
Pink and green

Next: Pattern of straight lines
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
Pattern of straight lines
Next: pattern of equally sized rectangles
My SmugMug
Pattern of equally sized rectangles

Next: black and blue
black and blue

Next: tree shape