Indeed, it's brass, but brass in Dutch is called "messing" or "geelkoper" which would translate in English as yellow copper
But if you want to see what we call in Dutch "roodkoper"(=red copper) you can look at the ring around the chimney of this little steam engine,
the steam dome behind it is again "yellow copper" or brass. And there's a bell on top of the cabin.
Copper colour
Next: bell shape
My SmugMug
Indeed, it's brass, but brass in Dutch is called "messing" or "geelkoper" which would translate in English as yellow copper
But if you want to see what we call in Dutch "roodkoper"(=red copper) you can look at the ring around the chimney of this little steam engine,

the steam dome behind it is again "yellow copper" or brass. And there's a bell on top of the cabin.
So let's move back to showing another bell shape.
My SmugMug
(Cow-)Bell shaped
Next: cow-shaped, not necessarily a real cow
cow shaped
next: the shape of a tree
Musings & ramblings at
Tree shape (one dead, one alive)
Next: fence shape
My SmugMug
fence shape
next: sand color
Musings & ramblings at
Sand colour
Next: lighthouse shape
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Lighthouse shape
Next: palm shaped (either the tree or the anatomical)
A single palm tree on the seafront in Galveston
Next: white and blue, but not sky and clouds
My SmugMug
white and blue but not sky and clouds
next: the shape of a bird
Musings & ramblings at
The shape of a bird (a buzzard stepping around on our lawn)
Next: speckled pattern
My SmugMug
Speckled pattern:
Next: white and grey colors.
White and grey colours
Next: pattern of squares
My SmugMug
pattern of squares
next: shape of circle(s)
Musings & ramblings at
The shape of a circle
Next: neon colours
My SmugMug
(I hope you will consider these to be) neon colors
next: the shape of an animal
Musings & ramblings at
Shape of an animal
next: texture of hair or fur
Dave Gillespie
Texture of hair or fur
Next: horn shape
My SmugMug
Horn shape
Next: shape of a circle
Dave Gillespie
the shape of a circle
next: the shape of a sphere
Musings & ramblings at
Before they open fully the tops of fly agarics are sphere shaped
Next: dotted pattern
My SmugMug
dotted pattern
next: the shape of an eye
Musings & ramblings at
How about the shape of the London eye
Next: the shape of a tower
My SmugMug
The shape of a tower
Next: the shape of a clock
The shape of a clock
Next: the shape of a train
My SmugMug
Shape of a train
Next: wedge shape. &
FB: - Youtube:
Wedge shape
Next: Tank shape (can be any kind of tank)
Edit jan 17: to keep going, any container will do
My SmugMug
From @pegelli 's edit for "next" posted today, I think a boat can be a container
next: yellow
Musings & ramblings at
Next: wing shape
My SmugMug
wing shape
next: circle shape
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