bark texture
next: green
Next: tractor shape
Tractor shape Next: Teddy bear shape
Teddy Bear shape
Next: Marble texture
Marble texture
Next: crack shape
crack shape
Next: Tree shape
Tree shape
Next: Pine cone shape
Pine cone shape
Next: leaf shape
Leaf shape
next: red
Next: a soft texture
a soft texture (pussy willow)
Next: furry texture
Furry texture
Next: seed shape
Seed shape
next: sphere shape
Sphere shape
Next: claw shape
Claw shape
Next: a pattern of scales
a pattern of scales
next: a pattern of shade and light
A pattern of shade and light
Next: arch shape
arch shape
next: shades of blue
shades of blue
Next: mountain shape
mountain shapes
Next: snow texture
Snow texture:
Next: the color white
White House (not "The" )
The "colour" black in a colour photo
the color black in a color photo (this was done using a mirror)
next: drip shape
Drip shape
Next: the color green
The colour green
Next: the shape of a grape(s)
the shape of grapes (in the tree ornaments on the table towards the right.)
Next: bird shaped
bird shaped
next: yellow
Next: rope texture
Rope texture
Next: wood texture
Wood texture
Next: Frog shape
bark texture
next: green
Musings & ramblings at
Next: tractor shape
My SmugMug
Tractor shape

Next: Teddy bear shape
Teddy Bear shape
Next: Marble texture
Marble texture
Next: crack shape
My SmugMug
crack shape

Next: Tree shape
Tree shape
Next: Pine cone shape &
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Pine cone shape
Next: leaf shape
My SmugMug
Leaf shape
next: red
Musings & ramblings at
Next: a soft texture
a soft texture (pussy willow)

Next: furry texture
Furry texture
Next: seed shape
My SmugMug
Seed shape

next: sphere shape
Sphere shape
Next: claw shape
Claw shape
Next: a pattern of scales
My SmugMug
a pattern of scales

next: a pattern of shade and light
A pattern of shade and light
Next: arch shape
arch shape
next: shades of blue
Musings & ramblings at
shades of blue
Next: mountain shape
My SmugMug
mountain shapes

Next: snow texture
Snow texture:
Next: the color white
White House (not "The"
The "colour" black in a colour photo
My SmugMug
the color black in a color photo (this was done using a mirror)

next: drip shape
Drip shape
Next: the color green
The colour green
Next: the shape of a grape(s)
My SmugMug
the shape of grapes (in the tree ornaments on the table towards the right.)

Next: bird shaped
bird shaped
next: yellow
Musings & ramblings at
Next: rope texture
My SmugMug
Rope texture

Next: wood texture
Wood texture
Next: Frog shape &
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