Blue and white
Next: shapes of arrow
Arrow shaped
Gold color
Next: shapes of wooden wheel
Wooden wheel shape
Next: tiger striped
Tiger striped
Next: rocky pattern
Rocky pattern
Next: shape formed by stacked objects
Shape formed by stacked objects
Next: pattern of maple leaves
pattern of maple leaves
Next: shades of orange
Shades of orange
Next: straw pattern
Straw pattern
Next: roll shaped
Roll shaped
Next: shades of brown
Shades of brown (in the paintings)
Next: frame shape
Frame shape
Next: red nose shape
Red nose shape
Next: yellow and black pattern
Yellow and black pattern
Next: pattern of insect's eye
pattern of insects eyes (together with "hairs" standing on the eye)
next: yellow and pink
Yellow and pink
Next: shape of petals
Shape of petals
Next: metallic texture
Metallic texture
Next: spiral pattern
3 primary colors (red, blue, yellow)
Next: diamond shapes
Diamond shape
Next: letterbox shape
Letter box shape
Rooster shaped
Next: pattern with multiple colors
Multi colored patterns
Next: fuzzy textures
Fuzzy textures
Next: Shape of a jockey
Several jockey shaped figures on the race horses
Next: Shape of a railing
Shape of a railing
Next: diamond pattern
diamond pattern
next: knot shape
Knot shape
Next: hook shape
Blue and white
Next: shapes of arrow
Arrow shaped

Gold color
Gold color
Next: shapes of wooden wheel
Wooden wheel shape
Next: tiger striped
My SmugMug
Tiger striped
Next: rocky pattern
Rocky pattern
Next: shape formed by stacked objects
My SmugMug
Shape formed by stacked objects
Next: pattern of maple leaves
pattern of maple leaves
Next: shades of orange
Musings & ramblings at
Shades of orange
Next: straw pattern
Straw pattern
Next: roll shaped
My SmugMug
Roll shaped
Next: shades of brown
Shades of brown (in the paintings)
Next: frame shape
My SmugMug
Frame shape
Next: red nose shape
Red nose shape
Next: yellow and black pattern
My SmugMug
Yellow and black pattern

Next: pattern of insect's eye
pattern of insects eyes (together with "hairs" standing on the eye)
next: yellow and pink
My SmugMug
Yellow and pink

Next: shape of petals
Shape of petals
Next: metallic texture
Metallic texture

Next: spiral pattern

3 primary colors (red, blue, yellow)
3 primary colors (red, blue, yellow)

Next: diamond shapes
Diamond shape
Next: letterbox shape
My SmugMug
Letter box shape

Rooster shaped
Rooster shaped

Next: pattern with multiple colors
Multi colored patterns

Next: fuzzy textures
Fuzzy textures

Next: Shape of a jockey
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
Several jockey shaped figures on the race horses
Next: Shape of a railing
My SmugMug
Shape of a railing

Next: diamond pattern
diamond pattern
next: knot shape
My SmugMug
Knot shape

Next: hook shape