Two Lights And A Bed Sheet

Hi folks.
It's been forever since I've posted. Have expanded my business and have been traveling a LOT. Asia, Europe and U.S.
Anyway, home for a bit and set up a shoot for my daughter in my living room using a bed sheet and a couple of strobes.
1. Some may think this looks old fashioned, but I still love classic loop lighting.

2. Just for the fun of it. She graduates this year.

3. Love her smile here.
It's been forever since I've posted. Have expanded my business and have been traveling a LOT. Asia, Europe and U.S.
Anyway, home for a bit and set up a shoot for my daughter in my living room using a bed sheet and a couple of strobes.
1. Some may think this looks old fashioned, but I still love classic loop lighting.

2. Just for the fun of it. She graduates this year.

3. Love her smile here.

Her cousin, the hockey goalie, stopped by too.
Sweat provided by a mixture of baby oil and water.
Book 2:
Thomson, Ga. USA
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Thanks Charles. Hope all is well with you and your family. Still shooting?
Thank you very much!
Thanks, about a week after this was taken, he won the state High School division one championship with a shut-out.
Still shooting but cutting back drastically. We are prepping to move and the studio and some other property is up for sell as it will take awhile to get that sold then the house. My daughter purchased a house and I got the low bid for reconstruction and the younger daughter is getting married in Nov so that is in the planning stages and I don't know where the heck I am at times. Will get back eventually. Hope all is well with you.
Gee, sounds like you will need to go back to teaching so you can get some rest!
Things are well. Just too much travel in my schedule at the moment. Hopefully another six months or so and I will be home for a while.