Do you have a question?
There have got to be many folks out there who have a question that needs answered, no matter how simple or complex. We have enough talent here that someone should be able to help out. There is sooo much mis-information out there I hope we might be able to clear it up.
If you feel it is too simple or "dumb" message me and I will post it anonymously. What camera do I need, what's an f stop, what do all those numbers on the lens mean, what is a MWAC or DWAC, etc, etc, etc.
This is meant to be an open discussion with no prickly hairs among those speaking. If someone has a different view that is great, just an honest open discussion. There are many ways to get somewhere, just get there.
If you feel it is too simple or "dumb" message me and I will post it anonymously. What camera do I need, what's an f stop, what do all those numbers on the lens mean, what is a MWAC or DWAC, etc, etc, etc.
This is meant to be an open discussion with no prickly hairs among those speaking. If someone has a different view that is great, just an honest open discussion. There are many ways to get somewhere, just get there.
I will admit to not knowing what your acronyms mean.... and I have no reservations for putting my work up to be "hacked" apart
So... what do you acronyms mean? I am sure it will make blindingly simple sense when you tell me, but i'll bite.... ?
Do you like chocolate ice cream?
Sam with a camera
If you've not seen this lady you have to check her out.
She was up to about 25 episodes. How do you take her.
Sam......butter pecan.
Who says you need expensive flash equip. This is just a tungsten light bulb in a soft box.
Got to do something about Lucie's bad shoulder.
Well I moved that sucker back and that dropped the power but still too much so I aimed the box away from "Lucie", that's what I call her and she does just about anything I want and doesn't complain, way away more toward me and that got the power down for a decent exposure.
Alrighty then: Obnoxiously gooey sweet- Success
Funny: Hit or miss
25 youtube episodes: Shows you don't need any lasting knowledge or talent
Choice of husband: Beyond lucky (he has to have the patience of a dozen saints)
Kids: poor things :cry
Neighbors: Must have incredible skills at getting from the car into the house in stealth mode.
Church pastor: Why do you think he fell of the wagon?
Local school board officials: The reason Valium stock has risen so high.
Local police: No longer patrol her street
PS: Do you like chocolate ice cream?
Just in case you didn't realize, this question is one used in psychological profiling.
Nearly hit the stop button at about 19sec, but managed to last to 51 before actually doing so and saving bandwidth.
Delivery and mannerisms way OTT for my tastes.
Good idea for a thread, btw - especially if Mr(s) Google is hazy / ambiguous etc about answers.
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As to strobe power, you could add more diffusion material and or as divamum stated use an ND filter.
Another approach might be to shoot the background and subject separately, process each separately and then merge.
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It's a good law to know.
It's meaningless, A simple executive order and it's a law no more.
How about trying a layer of semi transparent material over the background/lights, stretched tight, to mute things a bit?
Staying with your experiment; Try using your strobe with softbox shooting it 180 away from your subject into your fill board. Your fill board becomes your light source and reduces it a couple of stops again. It has worked for me in the past when I didn't have enough room to move it back farther. It also makes for a bigger light source. Maybe?? Just an idea
After one clip I had to wonder if she's kidding and she's a satirist and just poking fun at the whole thing.
P is for "professional"
Sadly though I've met people like this and though I have a fair amount of patience I draw the line at doing other peoples work for them.
Not long ago I was at a baptism shooting for my family at a Catholic Church
There was a foray of people there with DSLR's
One young lady in particular had a brand new just acquired Canon 7D with a kit lens.
She approached me and asked why her images were coming out blurry
I explained that her kit lens was not suitable for low light but I showed her how to set the camera up for best possible results given what she had to work with.
After 25 minutes or so she came back to me because she was having focus issues as well.
I helped her out but no sooner than five minutes had passed and she came to ask if I could use my camera to take pictures of all the patrons for her.
I asked what she was doing here and she said she was trying to get pictures to sell to the parents of their just baptized children.
I kindly declined explaining that I was here specifically for my family and that I did not feel comfortable taking pictures of other people's children.
Just having a camera does not even guarantee your pictures will even turn out properly and yes I guess there are really people like that out there.
Ha ha, after a few more clips, yeah, she's poking fun.
By pure definition, that is the description of the professional photographer. Doing the job others cannot do