Google Dgrin site search links

I'm using this for a search in Google,, and it returns links that don't work.
How do I find this thread on the new forum?
I have found the "search box" on dgrin useless. Is there a trick using it that works?
Why can I not edit that previous post? It has all kind of spelling errors in it.
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Google has many old Dgrin links that are now broken. But these will be refreshed the next time Google crawls the site, though it's uncertain when that will happen. I haven't used the search function much, but I think it works better from the advanced interface, which you can get to quickly by clicking in the search box and simply hitting enter. Not sure why you can't edit the post, but I'll see if I can figure it out.
EDIT: Found it, the edit toggle is at the top next to the main title, not in the post box.
The thread title is borked in two spots.
Goggle Dgrin site serch links
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Is this the thread you were looking for: ?
It's a hack, but for now if you know the thread number, just put it at the end of the URL. Seems to work, if not exactly ideal.
I have this link bookmarked in my browser
and it reverted to this.
Notice the 247592 is preserved. This works.
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Mmmm...OK. Is there a problem with that? The results look the same to me.
From original post, link found in search.
Using the number works so there is a way to get to all those archives.
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