Will SmugMug's IOS App allow organizing of photos on the IPad or IPhone anytime in the near future?
I'm Steve, soon to be an Ex-Phanfare user. Our family really liked Phanfare's IOS App. You could create Albums and Organize Photos right on the IPad or IPhone without using the desktop version at all. SmugMug's IOS App can't organize photos on the IPad or IPhone. You can just view them. Will that feature be available anytime soon? Even if I could organize the photos through the Safari Web Browser I would do that but it doesn't seem to do that through the Safari browser. Would it work in the Google Chrome browser on the IPad? Our family really love using our mobile devices with our pictures and have been doing it that way for years with Phanfare. Even knowing this will be possible sometime in the near future would be worth waiting for in SmugMug.
I'm Steve, soon to be an Ex-Phanfare user. Our family really liked Phanfare's IOS App. You could create Albums and Organize Photos right on the IPad or IPhone without using the desktop version at all. SmugMug's IOS App can't organize photos on the IPad or IPhone. You can just view them. Will that feature be available anytime soon? Even if I could organize the photos through the Safari Web Browser I would do that but it doesn't seem to do that through the Safari browser. Would it work in the Google Chrome browser on the IPad? Our family really love using our mobile devices with our pictures and have been doing it that way for years with Phanfare. Even knowing this will be possible sometime in the near future would be worth waiting for in SmugMug.
We have a number of iterations planned to our iOS and Android apps to help make things easier for customers doing photography on their phones however organizing probably won't make it on the near future list. It's certainly something we'd consider adding to the apps in the future though!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations
Did you try the organizer in Safari on your iPad? That's the same tool on regular computers that should allow you to arrange and move photos, galleries and folders among other things. Tap+hold on one or more selected items and you should be able to arrange / move them.
You can also use the sort drop down menu in the upper right of it to have items sorted by different criteria.
For additional details on the organizer and using it, you can check out this page.
SmugMug Support Hero
I am having more problems with the SmugMug IOS App. The Phanfare Albums were date order so I'm making folders "2017" "2016" "2015" and then putting those galleries in those folders accordingly. So for this year in folder "2017" I have 20 Galleries . The problem is in the IOS App when I click on the "2017" folder the App is stuck loading forever. It doesn't seem to be able to load the 20 Galleries of the folder. Is 20 Galleries per folder too much for IOS App to handle?
20 galleries should be no problem for the app. If a folder doesn't appear to load properly, you can try logging out of your account in the app, close the app completely (press home button once to return to home screen, then double press the home button and swipe up on the SmugMug app card to close it fully) and then open the app and log back in.
In case that doesn't seem to do the trick, is your iPad set to 12 hour time? If so, it can help if you switch your device to 24 hour time in the iOS settings app > general > date/time section. Afterwards fully close the app again and open it fresh.
SmugMug Support Hero
We're also working on a fix for this that won't require you to do this awkward date/time switch. If changing the date/time doesn't work, let us know, and I'd like one of our developers to get in touch with you to help troubleshoot. The galleries should load nearly instantly.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations
I must admit I am really missing the ability to update via my phone. I use to lay in bed at the end of each day and type up my blog and upload the days photos so easily (even more so when travelling).
Now I have to log into the organiser to edit the Page I have transferred my blog to and that cant be done on the phone. So I tend to be leaving it for the weekend when I am using the desktop puter. So of course by then I have forgotten my daily thoughts that I wanted to add to my blog. Its lost all the spontaneity for me.
I was also a little sad to notice after I went to all the effort of making pages for so many parts of my "albums" that were text heavy - that I cannot physically view the pages in the existing phone ap.
A quality useable phone ap would be great.