to Acadia

As mid-October approached I sensed it was time for a visit to Acadia National Park. I try to visit (at least) two times each year, always avoiding summer's prime tourist season.
I headed to Maine on October 16th, choosing to take the back roads from just past Augusta. I jumped onto Route 3 heading to Belfast and the coast.
1 :: the Penobscot Narrows Bridge rises above plants and trees wearing autumn colors
From the coastal route I headed down the Blue Hill Peninsula and over the very narrow bridge to Deer Isle for a quick visit to the town of Stonington. (If you're interested in bridges, you may find this article to be interesting -
2 :: color on the ground
3 :: Stonington harbor
4 :: Stonington
5 :: Stonington
I headed back up the peninsula to reach the road leading into Ellsworth then turned south towards Bar Harbor, ending my day at the Holland Inn, my home away from home for a few days.
After a good B&B breakfast I headed to Northeast Harbor to check the colors at the Asticou Azalea Garden. It's a wonderful place to visit in the spring when the azaleas are in bloom. I think it's also worth a visit in the fall.
6 :: autumn color at Asticou
Finally, it was time for my real destination, Acadia National Park. I chose to stay in the main section of the park my first day there.
It was a challenging time for photography; the sky was pure blue and the angle of the sun was autumn low. I have to admit that I much prefer clouds!
7 :: along Park Loop Road
8 :: autumn in the Wild Gardens of Acadia
9 :: painted leaves
10 :: a view of Jesup Path
11 :: behind Sand Beach
12 :: along Ocean Path
13 :: a bit of color and very low water at Jordan Pond
The next morning I headed to my favorite part of the park, the tip of the Schoodic Peninsula.
14 :: on the tip of the Schoodic Peninsula
15 :: on the tip of the Schoodic Peninsula
16 :: on the tip of the Schoodic Peninsula
17 :: scattered people on the tip of the Schoodic Peninsula - can you imagine this in summer?
18 :: late day light at the top of Cadillac Mountain
19 :: looking away from the setting sun, at the top of Cadillac Mountain
20 :: just past sunset (still looking away!), at the top of Cadillac Mountain
21 :: a last morning in the park, looking back to Sand Beach from the Ocean Path
22 :: leaf drop along Ocean Path
It was a short but good trip.
If you're interested in seeing more photos from this trip you can find them at
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Breathtaking! Brings back some great memories of my Acadia trip in '09. Except the part of losing my Gitzo tripod with the big RRS pano ball head somewhere on a path near a small waterfall by one of the stone bridges. But which Stephanie luckily found not much later and that saved me from jumping off Otter cliffs from the grief I would have had if she hadn't found it for me. Anyway... yes, Acadia is a magical place.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Denise, wow. These pictures have so much depth, they make me want to see that place one day. It's hard to pick a favourite, but if I had to, I'd chose number number 16 or number 19 (the small rock just makes this pic fantastic!). Well, maybe one day I'm lucky enough to see Maine myself
Have you taken those free handed or using a tripod (or a mixture of those)?
Wise words from the Dog of Wisdom: If your ball is too big for your mouth, it's not yours.
I'm here to learn and progress. Honest feedback and criticism on my images is warmly appreciated!
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Thanks David! I'm lucky to live not too far from Acadia - it's about 4 1/2 hours from here. I'm contemplating a winter visit, we'll see.
Thank you! Acadia is well worth visiting, as is the rest of Maine. It's a reasonable trip if you fly into Boston.
These were all taken with the camera hand held, no tripod.
Musings & ramblings at
I look forward to your annual Acadia images. These did not disappoint! Lovely series, Denise.
Book 2:
Thanks so much Jo!
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Such lush and edible tones:
.. and most, beneath Blue Dahlia skies and with similar blue seas.
(OK, all that sounded better in my head.
Numbers 8 - 10 are my favorites. Very, very nice, Denise!

Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Thank you!
I love your words! They are quite descriptive and I'm glad they didn't just stay in your head!
Musings & ramblings at
Lovely images Denise! I look forward to seeing a new set of images from you! I can only wish I could go to Acadia. As it is I will be making a trip up to Chena Hotsprings in a couple weeks. I'm hoping for some clear weather to catch the northern lights.
Thank you Joyce! You'll have to let me know if (when) you are on this side of the country.
I'll look forward to seeing your photos, good luck with the northern lights.
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Peaceful images as always i really love reflection and colors of 6.
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Thank you Awais!
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Cendrine Marrouat
Nature, B&W and closeup photography:
Thanks for commenting! If you ever get to the east coast, Acadia is a wonderful place to visit. I try to visit in the spring and fall, fewer people than in the summer.
Welcome to the forum!
Musings & ramblings at
> @cendrinemedia said:
> Your beautiful images remind me of what I can see in my Canadian province. Lovely!
> Thanks for commenting! If you ever get to the east coast, Acadia is a wonderful place to visit. I try to visit in the spring and fall, fewer people than in the summer.
> Welcome to the forum!
Thank you, Denise!
Cendrine Marrouat
Nature, B&W and closeup photography: