A couple of "newbie" questions
Just starting a 14 day trial so please excuse the basic questions, just making a few test galleries, referring to this gallery https://paulgulliver.smugmug.com/Places-of-Interest/National-Trust/Stourhead/ on the thumbnail view how do I select what info is shown beneath each thumbnail. At the moment its showing both iptc title and iptc caption, I would like just the title to show ( but both under the full single photo)
Second question, I've added a menu at the top of the page but when I scroll down the page the menu disappears into the thumbnails and becomes unreadable instead of staying in its own window (frame).
I'm viewing on a desktop computer using chrome.
Add this to your theme's custom CSS section:
For your second question. There is a bug: https://dgrin.com/discussion/263560/changed-menu-pinning
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
I'm no SmugMug expert, but I think that the info that shows up beneath each image depends on what style of gallery you are using to display your individual images. You can explore the different styles and see which one suits you best. I use these: https://www.dreamsourcestudio.com/Wildlife/Birds/ which are called "Collage Landscape" and the title of the photo shows only if I've added it to the individual photo and someone hovers over the image. I have "File Name" turned "off" so if I haven't added any title or info, nothing will show up.
It took me a while to learn to navigate the SmugMug website building process and I'm still learning. It's going to take some time for you to set everything to your liking. SmugMug definitely isn't perfect when it comes to the website build options. Hopefully they work on this.
Thanks to both of you for your replies, Dyun, thats a great site you have there