Terra Ronca caverns, Brazil
in Landscapes
The Terra Ronca State Park hosts a vast number of caverns, only five of them are open for visitors. We visited the Angelica and Sao Bernardo caverns, the last one implied waist deep water "hiking" carrying our equipment overhead. Awesome trip.
Wow! Great captures of an amazing place. Thanks for sharing!
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
Awesome photos of what must be an amazing place to explore.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Wow. Awesome shots. It's a little hard to get a sense of scale--how tall are these caves?
Amazing shots! The second photo really pulls me in, I like it!
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Thank you all.
Richard, the two caverns were different, the largest cave was (3) it is difficult to say how high the ceiling was, but I would guess at least 40 meters, several stories high in any case. The celing in (1) was around 10 m high, whereas in (2) and (6) only a few meters.
Excellent shots, Cristobal. Exposures are really good given the extremely wide dynamic range you had to cope with.
Link to my Smugmug site
That's some impressive work, Cristóbal. God help you if some of those stalactites decide to cut loose on you.
Thanks Tom. Yeah, I guess that my cheap hardware store helmet I was wearing wouldn't do much, but neither would any other kind of helmet for that matter... Very impressive place and great experience.
Beautiful shots. They make me want to visit. It looks like it was challenging to photograph but you rose to the challenge.
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
Good stuff Cristobal!
Thanks Cornflake, this was a trip specifically for photography, there were different type of fixed lights, flashes in the background etc. I am really grateful that post processing is so good nowadays and allows to correct for all sorts of things. In any case, without the special lighting it would have been impossible to take interesting shots of an amazing place.
Thanks Taz!