Old Farm Stuff
1 )
2 ) I shot this glorious place from several angles, some of which do not show the car trail near the old house. I purposefully left it in this shot to give you some idea of the kind of " roads " I often find myself on. Truthfully, some of the places I take my truck make that trail you see look like a super highway.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Great finds and processing. I love living in Southern Cal. but old sights like that are very hard to find here. Thanks for sharing.
Thomson, Ga. USA
Hi, Orv. Great to hear from you. Scavengers of old barn wood have put a dent in the number of easily accessible targets. But if you get way back in the hollows like I like to do, you see this kind of stuff all over the place.
Wow wow wow wow! #2 is postcard for sure! Bravo Tom!~
We lived in north Idaho for a few years and enjoyed exploring the back roads by the lakes, old mining roads. Miss those times.
Thomson, Ga. USA
Mighty kind words, Taz. Your support is greatly appreciated.
I like the POV in no 2, Tom_
Those are a couple of neat finds, Tom!
I hear you, Orv. There's something that pulls on me to get out there where a lot of folks don't go....or don't even know about.
I wrestled with which POV to run with, Jeff. I'm glad this one struck your fancy.
I'm sure, John, that you can attest to the fact that scenes like this are all over. You just have to be committed to digging around and rooting them out.