Cold Work.

During the winter in Maine many lobstermen switch to scallop fishing, either adding a dragging rig to their lobster boats or by diving (no kidding). Dragging and diving are done on alternate days for safety, divers normally work near underwater cables or other obstacles where dragging is impractical. This morning (5 DegF (-15 C)) Captain Tarr's "Tarr Baby" was at the wharf swapping an old scallop dragger for a new one. The funny looking water is an icy slush blown in to shore by strong winds last night.
In with the new
Out with the old
Back to work - Note the swim platform on the stern. Captain Tarr does both dragging and diving.
Working in that weather gives me the chills, just looking at these. That second image says it all. Brrrrr.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Very cool shots, and I'm glad I'm not there.
Wow, that is hard work.
Can just agree, viewing this pictures make me freeze as well. Well done shots of great scenes!
Wise words from the Dog of Wisdom: If your ball is too big for your mouth, it's not yours.
I'm here to learn and progress. Honest feedback and criticism on my images is warmly appreciated!
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Thank you all for your kind comments.
The last shot is great! #3 is awesome too, but it could use tad cleaning up on left side....there is white pole at bottom left edge, distracting and creating "busy" sensation......also there is some triangle shape object at the horizon also on left edge.... that is doing the same issue....
Finally, if mine, I would work hard to get rid of the ropes....just leave the hook, idea being to make it less buys and keep focus on main subject....which is awesome! JMO. Cheers!
Good set, Werner.
I was pretty sure that was a scallop rig. Lots of scallopers in the Bay of Fundy, too.
Thanks for the comments. I missed the stuff on the left edge so I cropped it in a bit, then I got close to 1:1 and decided to crop it square. It seems to fill the space nicely.
The crop is an improvement.
I agree, well done.