Can't edit Menu block on Entire Site

I have one menu block on the home page and another on Entire Site. Currently I cannot edit the Menu block on the entire site, but can successfully on the home page.
The behavior on Entire Site is that the block is red. I can open it and add a link, and put the link in the right lineup, but save is not possible. I have to just exit the endeavor.
What is the fix for this?
Now that I look at this, is part of the problem that the right side red of Entire site is broken in and of itself? Rather than this being a Menu block problem? I have no idea what to do
(Edit: Maybe fixing this site-wide problem will then fix my site-wide Google Font problem (Buda is gone), which I haven't yet fixed, and which is documented here:
Perhaps you should contact the help desk. Nobody here can take a look at your "under the hood" stuff.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
Thanks Hikin'. I thought folks could see in the source code, sorry about that. I have emailed them.
I wish the arial default font that has overridden Buda, would stop making me upchuck. {weak lol}
On the right hand flyout you can click the menu there to edit it.
You do not have to highlight "entire site".
All widgets on page including menus will show there no mater what layer.
My Website index | My Blog
Looking at the source code isn't going to help, unless I don't understand your question, which is possible.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
Update: The RED wasn't an indicator of an error. That section is supposed to be red just like another section is green. The reason I couldn't add a link to the menu block is because down in all the links, one of them was broken. Nothing would reveal that except manually clicking each link and checking it. I have no idea why it would have broken since I haden't changed any links in months (probably years). But I did find the broken link, fixed it, and then could add a new link and save the menu block. Thanks to Smugmug Help.