black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited June 27, 2019
It's a great image. The eyes are absolutely riveting. Geeeze....I'm going to dream about these guys staring at me. I like the conversion work but I wonder if a little stronger blacks might add to the drama. A home run here, Cristóbal.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
@Juano said:
Thanks Tom, I did try pushing the blacks up, but I lost details on the eyes which I think are very powerful.
I was concerned that pushing the black might result in a loss of eye detail. And you're right, as I said above, the eyes dominate this image. A wonderful shot, buddy, that captures and emotes some strong feelings..
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
It's a great image. The eyes are absolutely riveting. Geeeze....I'm going to dream about these guys staring at me. I like the conversion work but I wonder if a little stronger blacks might add to the drama. A home run here, Cristóbal.
Thanks Tom, I did try pushing the blacks up, but I lost details on the eyes which I think are very powerful.
I was concerned that pushing the black might result in a loss of eye detail. And you're right, as I said above, the eyes dominate this image. A wonderful shot, buddy, that captures and emotes some strong feelings..
A moving image!! It does, as you state speak volumes. Nicely done!! Thanks you for sharing this image Juano.
El Gato
Thank you
Great shot and PP work, Cristóbal. I too am fascinated by the war memorials that are found in many, many european towns and villages.
Thanks Sara.