Community Directory
Very fitting, really, for the surrounding area.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Very fitting, really, for the surrounding area.
Cool! The board is in much good shape then the barn!
Hey, buddy. This one was way back in the " holler ".
Good catch! I like the glimpse of RR tracks on the right—makes me wonder how many of those people hopped a freight!
Lauren Blackwell
Good capture... looks like the condo board is asleep at the switch...
Gotta agree with the previous commentors, this is a nice catch. Reminds a little of dystopian end-of-times movies, where mother nature regains most of the stuff we built.
You should make sure to go back there when there's a little more going on the sky, as the only downside of the shot is the blown out sky (or maybe try a b/w conversion).
Wise words from the Dog of Wisdom: If your ball is too big for your mouth, it's not yours.
I'm here to learn and progress. Honest feedback and criticism on my images is warmly appreciated!
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Hey, Lauren. This was shot in the really small burg of Balsam, N.C. The railroad tracks were instrumental in bringing quests to a once-grand and active resort hotel tucked back in the mountains around Balsam.
I tell you, Rags, from the looks of the area now, I doubt that very many of the folks on the directory are alive or still live around there.
Thanks for your visit and your comments. The sky you see is the curse of those mountains at this time of the year....often very bland and bleached out,