Old Barn
I think this image is somewhere a little north of 500 shots like this that I have taken over the years. That's over 500 individual structures. Sadly, a great many of those have fallen prey to one cause or another.....a total collapse, barn-wood scavengers, etc., etc.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Those autumn colored vines are the best part. Well seen.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Great! Love it! Hope no copper heads this time! (Was it copper heads?) I can't remember.
Thanks, David. Old barns and vines are bedmates.
Hey, buddy. Yeah, it's copperheads. If I weren't so cautious about them, I probably wouldn't see half of those that I do see. Rest assured, my friend, I stay on red alert when I'm fooling around in their domain. Same goes for rattler's, who also love old barns.
I like the contrasting colors in this, Tom
Very nice image! Old barns are always fun to explore and seem to convey a peace all of their own. Would love to be here in the peak of the fall colors. Thanks fo sharing this one.
El Gato
Thanks. You and I are color freaks. See my response below.
Thanks for the visit. Exploring and documenting old farm buildings is something that, at times, consumes all of my attention. And I agree, there is definitely an aura of peacefulness,, in most scenes like this, that I experience.
I'm heading home tomorrow after spending a month up in the Southern Appalachians and Smokie Mountain chain. The Fall colors were absolutely the most brilliant, far-reaching in scope, and longest lasting display that I have seen in many years.....and I'm here every Fall.
I agree, nicely done.
"...spending a month up in the Southern Appalachians and Smokie Mountain chain."
Wow...if only. I keep telling myself that there will be a time when I too can make a statement like this.
Ah, to have the time and ability to spend more than just a weekend somewhere. To be embedded in a location, to explore and scout, then photograph in different light, time of day, types of weather. Hummmm.....you can certainly make one envious. Tip of the hat to your passion and commitment to spending time doing what you enjoy and in doing so, enjoying life.
El Gato
Thanks, my friend.
Tom, I have missed seeing your old barns—you know this is one of my favorite subjects. This is another nice catch. Glad the snakes were visiting another barn!
Lauren Blackwell
Hi Lauren. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. I'm just getting around to processing a bunch of new old-barn shots from last month. Got some good ones. One good thing about Winter....the snakes tend to keep a low profile. I keep a sharp eye out for them anyway as they tend to cluster up in the very places that I'm exploring.