That ol' moon...

It's been photographed and presented countless times. Our perspective of it never changes. Yet here I sit with my own shot of this neighboring nightlight, from a rented 400mm Sony lens, through the clear night sky in the Smoky Mountains. So, I offer it up to you all
Superb! What did you do? Education please!
We never get tired of looking at it when it's photographed as well as this.
Ok, here's the true story way it went down...
Step 1: Old Fashioned x 3 (bourbon, bitters, splash of water, filthy cherry, on the rocks)
Step 2: Shot of Tennessee moonshine X 1
Step 3: Walk out the back door onto the deck, look at the moon, and say, 'Lemme grab my camera, I can do this before I head off to bed!'
Step 4: Set up the camera as best I could in an inebriated state, hand-hold that sucker and let 'er rip. See metadata below
Tv: 1/1000sec
Av: 5.6
ISO: 200
EV bias: 0
Meter: Highlights only
In camera stabilization: ON
Optical stabilization (lens): ON
Essentially, I just made sure I could see the details, and that the shutter was somewhere close to 2x the 35mm focal equivalent (400mm lens X 1.5 crop mode = 600mm equiv). I love having a full frame sensor with 42.5 megapixels, because you can shoot in 1.5x crop mode yet still come out with an 18mp image.
Oh man, I need to get the proper ingredients! Don't have none of bourbon or btters right now!!!
I agree. I'm a moon fan. Since I moved to Brazil I found out that our perspective does change, look
Well, color me excited to learn a new thing!
Good shoot of the Moon, and good info, I also like Cristobal's shot from below the Equator. the Moon wobbles a lot, I too love to shoot the moon (but since it is not good etiquette to post pix on other people post) I will create a new discussion with some samples.