Bay Photo not available for Power users

This is a suggestion.
I have a power not pro subscription. I do not print a lot, but when I do it is often large prints. In the last 6 months or so I have done about $1200 worth of prints from Bay Photo. I love them.
Only one of those was even available (in that size/type) from Smugmug in my subscription.
I wonder how many people like me, with non-pro subscriptions, might be giving Smugmug a bit of business if we were not limited to Ezprint? (I'm assuming that's who you use for us, it's been years since I did something with them).
I really can't understand the difference -- it's not like it provides a functional feature difference in power vs. pro - one can just go directly to the alternate vendors without any real trouble. The real function difference is selling at a markup, price lists, etc.
This is not high on the list of things I care about personally. To be fair since I've gone direct so long I would likely not switch now. But as I just got another gorgeous Bay gallery wrap, it occurred to me to check whether I could have bought it on Smugmug -- nope. It was 30x45, you stop at 30x40.
Just something for you to consider, whether you are really providing product distinction, or just shooting yourselves in the foot.
I'm curious to hear other folks thoughts on this! So I'll bump this in hopes this topic gets some more engagement!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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Hey Ferguson,
I'm on a Pro subscription and do a fair amount of prints. All setup through BayPhoto.
Smugmug keep missing out on their slice of the print revenue, as most customers (when its a large print they want) e-mail me first asking for more details, or to customize the print.
This always leads me to process the order myself through BayROES direct to customer. Bypassing Smugmug, therefore no cut for them!
As you say, you've already gone direct to Bay and likely wouldn't change that workflow. So upgrading to a pro subscription might not be worth it for you.
I do think Smugmug have already a really good selection when it comes to BayPhoto. They recently added Fine Art Print papers and a few acrylic metalprints. The problem for me is that the sizes available just don't go high enough!
The largest "Fine Art Paper" size I can choose is 24x36. For the new Acrylic Metalprints its 30x45. Even the your standard Glossy/Lustre/Metallic prints, the largest size you can print (in 3:2 ratio at least) is 30x45.
All of these print types can be ordered through BayROES in sizes of 40x60 and even larger. These are commonly what my customers are buying and I wish at least Smugmug added more larger common ratio sizes to the list.
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That's interesting, I had not realized Smugmug limited the size you could order from Bay (since I can't see their Bay offering as a power user). So it might be moot even if I had access for that reason as well. Could I have done 36x36 and 35x45 gallery wraps in Bay from SM? (Those represent the majority of what I did).
Do you mean "Thinwraps" when you say gallery wraps? If so, then the largest size available through SM checkout is 24x36.
For traditional Canvas prints the largest offered in SM is 40x60, stretched or flat mounted canvas 30x40.
*edit - I don't work with Canvas based prints, so not sure if Smugmug use the same terminology for labelling compared to BayPhoto's website
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I almost always go directly to Bay Photo, even though my smug site is set up to print at Bay. I usually compare prices in both places first.
I've found that the price is almost always less on Bay, primarily due to shipping costs.
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I think it's traditional canvas stretched. They are mounted on 1.5" wood frames Bay has changed terminology over a few years as well. But it sounds like SM doesn't go as large as Bay.
Yeah, I've read that over the years here also, but wasn't trying to focus on it. If it's a bit more, for occasional users, they would likely not go to the trouble of setting up at Bay? Maybe. Not sure. As mentioned, now that I'm familiar it doesn't matter a lot for me now. I more wonder about the me of years ago. Of course many of those are likely not reading on DGIN either.