Fantastic set! I always prefer action imagery to contain signs of action, such as motion blur, or hair (in this case fringes) stopped in time. You did a marvelous job of combining both elements to convey emotion of what it's like to be there, seeing it with my own eyes. Thank you for sharing!
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
Really nice work, Rags. Last year while in Cody, Wyoming, at a major rodeo, I was treated to a vantage point right on top of the chutes where action like this all starts. You could cut the tension and drama with a knife, starting when the rider first mounted the beast and tried to ready himself for the hell awaiting him. These shots do a great job of showing just what can happen when the chute opens.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Thanks for all your kind comments; they're really appreciated...
These dudes are really courageous...
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited December 27, 2019
While he was waiting for his turn to come up, I got to talking to a young guy ( he was 24 ) about the dangers he faced when trying to ride these bulls. After he had detailed some of the injuries he has received, I felt an urge to change the subject. When asked what really motivated him to continue doing this, his answer was He said all he's ever done is cowboying.... doesn't know how to do anything else. Bull riding is the only way he can hope to earn some extra bucks. I wished him well....he was a nice young man. When his time came up, he lasted all of 4 seconds.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
While he was waiting for his turn to come up, I got to talking to a young guy ( he was 24 ) about the dangers he faced when trying to ride these bulls. After he had detailed some of the injuries he has received, I felt an urge to change the subject. When asked what really motivated him to continue doing this, his answer was He said all he's ever done is cowboying.... doesn't know how to do anything else. Bull riding is the only way he can hope to earn some extra bucks. I wished him well....he was a nice young man. When his time came up, he lasted all of 4 seconds.
Sometimes a bull wants to gore the rider... this chap had a particularly bad day....
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
That is an outstanding sequence of shots above. I can't begin to describe the tension you feel when you're sitting barely 20 feet from action like this. That #3 shot has as much drama as I've ever seen in a photo. The bravery shown by the guys trying to help the rider well as other riders throughout the event....defies belief.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Fantastic set! I always prefer action imagery to contain signs of action, such as motion blur, or hair (in this case fringes) stopped in time. You did a marvelous job of combining both elements to convey emotion of what it's like to be there, seeing it with my own eyes. Thank you for sharing!
I love the action...I can feel the energy.
The hallmark of a memorable ability to communicate feelings through an image.
Well done!
El Gato
Really nice work, Rags. Last year while in Cody, Wyoming, at a major rodeo, I was treated to a vantage point right on top of the chutes where action like this all starts. You could cut the tension and drama with a knife, starting when the rider first mounted the beast and tried to ready himself for the hell awaiting him. These shots do a great job of showing just what can happen when the chute opens.
Thanks for all your kind comments; they're really appreciated...
These dudes are really courageous...
While he was waiting for his turn to come up, I got to talking to a young guy ( he was 24 ) about the dangers he faced when trying to ride these bulls. After he had detailed some of the injuries he has received, I felt an urge to change the subject. When asked what really motivated him to continue doing this, his answer was He said all he's ever done is cowboying.... doesn't know how to do anything else. Bull riding is the only way he can hope to earn some extra bucks. I wished him well....he was a nice young man. When his time came up, he lasted all of 4 seconds.
Great action set Rags! My favorite is 1
Sometimes a bull wants to gore the rider... this chap had a particularly bad day....
That is an outstanding sequence of shots above. I can't begin to describe the tension you feel when you're sitting barely 20 feet from action like this. That #3 shot has as much drama as I've ever seen in a photo. The bravery shown by the guys trying to help the rider well as other riders throughout the event....defies belief.
For me, the tension is heightened, because you know what CAN happen and when it does.. ugh...
Great action series, Rags.
Really excellent job catching the action and cropping in to show the full context of the moment plus the intimacy of bull and rider.

Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
thanks for the kind comments...