black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
I like your ride, Rags. Back when I was doing long-distance riding on a regular basis, BMW bikes of this model were having issues with their drive shaft. I was concerned about having problems with the bike when I was back in the and service for BMW bikes were an issue. Instead, I went with a Yamaha FJR 1300. I put 68,000 miles on that jewel with never an issue of any kind. Stay safe out there buddy. Keep a keen eye out for the crazies.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
That ride was good (no problems); but not the best choice for long distance with that fairing (I was doing IBA stuff)...
I sold my last bike 4 yrs ago - I figured I was 78 and it was time (I miss it)....& "biker talk" I was getting a lot of heat from my old lady...
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited May 20, 2020
I hear you, Rags. I got rid of my last bike quite some time ago when I accepted that all day in the saddle was more than I could accommodate any more. Like you, I miss a lot about biking but it wasn't my wife that did me butt rebelled on me and a rebellious butt is a force to be reckoned with.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
I like your ride, Rags. Back when I was doing long-distance riding on a regular basis, BMW bikes of this model were having issues with their drive shaft. I was concerned about having problems with the bike when I was back in the and service for BMW bikes were an issue. Instead, I went with a Yamaha FJR 1300. I put 68,000 miles on that jewel with never an issue of any kind. Stay safe out there buddy. Keep a keen eye out for the crazies.
Fantastic Rags! #2, #3 and #4 are superb!
Thanks for the comments...
That ride was good (no problems); but not the best choice for long distance with that fairing (I was doing IBA stuff)...
I sold my last bike 4 yrs ago - I figured I was 78 and it was time (I miss it)....& "biker talk" I was getting a lot of heat from my old lady...
I hear you, Rags. I got rid of my last bike quite some time ago when I accepted that all day in the saddle was more than I could accommodate any more. Like you, I miss a lot about biking but it wasn't my wife that did me butt rebelled on me and a rebellious butt is a force to be reckoned with.
Hehe... I've been there with monkey butt... Gold Bond helped...
I like no 3 a lot: good mood, Rags.
Good ones! I particularly like the first and third.
Thanks for the ride! I especially like #3.
thanks for the comments folks...
That #3 was the shot that drove high sat from my head...