RESULTS Mini Challenge #299 - Artists/Musicians or Instruments of Art/Music

@Cavalier - Great shot of the blacksmith working on the anvil. Kind of covers everything with the artwork, tools and artist at work. Nice!
@JAG – I liked all of these for this challenge. The study of the trumpet and the colors and tools of a painter. Very cool.
@Pegelli - #2 and #3 really caught my attention with the expression of the musicians and the art/artist at work.
@BMW Kurt – The concentration of the musician in #1 and the isolation of detail with the hands in #2 were both good in my opinion.
@Mathogre – Funny how #1 and #2 first reminded me of our current situation of isolation in many parts of the world today. Nice job and #3 made me smile.
@Sarasphotos – All great images. The carving on the horns is fantastic. What a great experience to see the impromptu concert. Loved the washer women as well even though you’ve marked them not for consideration.
@GrandmaR – Love to watch marching bands! Glass blowing has always been very fascinating to me and this is a good shot.
@DanC137 – The shallow DOF really draws attention to this detail of the instrument. Very nice.
@Ikbart – Nice detail on the instruments in #1 and #3. I have to say, I’ve never seen dancers painting! Must be fascinating and would have loved to see the final results of their work.
@DavidRGillespie – Interesting art installation in #1, would love to see this. Love #3, gorgeous artwork from the budding artist!
They are all, of course, fantastic. It is a challenge however, so I must pick. Here are my top 3 images:
Cavalier – Final Steps
Pegelli – Singing Along
1 (WINNER). BMW Kurt – Guitar Hands
Thank you everyone for participating!
Thank you for a fun challenge, @dlscott56 ! And congratulations to @BMW Kurt for the winning shot and to @pegelli and @Cavalier for your 2nd and 3rd place wins. I enjoyed seeing the entries for this challenge. I appreciate you all taking the time to share these with us!
My SmugMug Galleries
Thanks for the third place nod, Dave. Good mini challenge and look forward to Kurt's next mini!
Book 2:
congrats to the runners up @pegelli and @Cavalier . Congrats and kudos to the first place @BMW Kurt for the win! We look forward to seeing what you come up with in the next challenge!
Wow! I did not see that coming! Thanks! I have an idea for the next challenge and hope to have it up tomorrow or Tuesday.
Congrats to BMW Kurt for the win! Great shot! & congrats to the runners up too! Great mini & comments Dave!
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
Congrats to @BMW Kurt for the win and to @pegelli and @Cavalier for 2nd and 3rd.
I have one request to @BMW Kurt which I hope is not out of line ( @JAG ???) and that is that the minis go back to being 2-3 weeks long and not a month. I feel like a month really kills the interest level. Anyone else have thoughts on this?
Yes, Sara. I do agree. A month is too long for a mini.
Book 2:
I agree Sara. I hope to have the new mini up later today or tomorrow and would like to have it end on the 24th. I am on the road from the 13th to the 22nd and where I am going I won't have a lot Internet access (blessing and a curse). @JAG thoughts??
Congrats to @BMW Kurt for winning, @pegelli for 2nd, and @Cavalier for 3rd! Thanks @dlscott56 for running this challenge! It was fun seeing all of the photos.
Happy to see this discussion about going back to the shorter time frame (of 2-3 weeks) ! I think it is good to keep things a little flexible to make it easier for the person running the challenge, but I much prefer the shorter time frame. Thanks all.
My SmugMug Galleries
I have noted the change of the challenges getting longer and longer. Originally, 2 weeks was about what most would run them. The lack of a guidline in the Mini un-official rules in this matter is because everyone has things to do and places to go. So instead of actually mandating it in the un-official rules, I will say here, if you can do it in 2 weeks, go for it. If 3 works better because you cannot get to it, then that is fine too. If you can only be availible 1 week, that is fine too! But for future, I will suggest that if you cannot keep it 3 or less, then maybe pass it on to the runner up. I hope this answers your question @BMW Kurt
A great mini with many great entries. @dlscott56, you didn't make it easy for yourself. Thanks for the detailed comments and thanks for giving me 2nd (or 4th
) place. Congrats to @BMW Kurt for winning with a fine photo indeed and @Cavalier for the other honourable placement.
My SmugMug