New Neighbors (Caution: Cuteness)

My perro was barking late at night and I made him come in the house. The next day he was barking again and my wife went to investigate and found these cutie cubs walking along the fence. They are living in neighbors attic.
It is better to die on you feet than to live on your knees.....Emiliano Zapata
They sure are cute and your photos are great but I would not want them in the attic!
Thomson, Ga. USA
Sweeeet! Cute indeed! I would consider exploring b&w as well!
Gracias all.
I'm such a color freak that I rarely try b&w, but you're right, Taz, b&w works pretty well.
Post cards!!! Bravo!!!
My property backs up to a huge heavily wooded area. Racoons were all over the place. Their cuteness disappears quickly when they start costing you big bucks, I have a big screened-in lanai at the rear of the home. There was nothing on the lanai to attract food, nothing. But they had been raiding the bird food outside and I guess they thought that there must be the motherload on the lanai. During their invasion of the lanai, they destroyed $ 500 worth of screening. Got it fixed. A week after that, they struck again. That time, the damage was $ 300. No laughing matter.....I carry $ 1,000 deductible on such stuff. Of course, my screen guy said he might put the bastards on his payroll. Fortunately, I have a few friends in the right places. They sent out trappers and ended up hauling off 14 of them for relocation. They also left traps for those they might have missed. Got 5 more of the things that way.
I do like your work though, Willard.
Yes, the B&W versions are just as great!
Thomson, Ga. USA
Ditto...agree the B&W are striking.
I like the second image...the positioning, the balance is just right. The subjects add both the cure factor and the right contrast....softness of their coats against the rough bark of the tree. Well done!
Thanks for posing the B&W version!
El Gato