Ocean Fury

These two are from a trip to Kauai...
Got to experience the wonder of the island and two hurricanes!
One swept to the East side of the island and North the second one to the West side and North. Both danced, luckily and fortunately, right around the island. Many good pre- and post-weather photo opportunities.
As for my time spent on the island and all the "weather" shots I took, these made the final cut.
Impressive waves!
The first image is my favorite. It has the clarity of a photo but I can almost see it as a painting.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Good stuff, buddy. That's some angry surf in that first shot. Outside of a hurricane, you never see those kind of waves in Florida.....on either coast.
I love the second one the most, especially with the sea spray on top of the waves.
Thomson, Ga. USA
Fury indeed!
Thank you Denise, Tom, Taz, Orv...
**I appreciate your comments! **
I don't often get the opportunity to "shoot" waves, not much ocean where I hang my hat these days. Getting the timing was the big challenge. With the wind gusts, sand was blowing around and exfoliating my arms and legs. Had a devil of a time keeping sand off the lens.
Thanks again everyone for your comments!
El Gato
That's some severe surf. I really enjoy the 2nd image, with the spay, and the color of the waves and sky.
Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity!
Thank you Phil!!!
I was out shooting as soon as the storm had subsided enough to make going out safe. The surf was rolling for sure and the light was just right.
Thanks again for your comment.
El Gato