Some images of an Indian trip...

Funeral pires for cremations
A night on the Ganges in Varanasi
Sunrise on the Ganges
Funeral pires for cremations
A night on the Ganges in Varanasi
Sunrise on the Ganges
Downwind of a cremation has to smell bad.
Mucha gente
Very nice work, Rags. That third shot is an image that really sticks in my mind. I have a good friend who is an experienced world traveler. He tells me that India, as a whole, is the filthiest country he has ever been to, especially if you venture in to the bowels of any congested area.
"Downwind of a cremation has to smell bad."... It depends on whether Mohammed ate a lot of garlic...
The gov't wants to ban open cremations, but the culture prevents enforcement...
It could be a function of no piped plumbing (sewer or water supply) & lack of paved roads...
World travelers can be categorized in two groups; tourists and travelers... for example: I prefer traveler for me - my bride prefers sitting at the pool
I found it the same as Viet Nam, Cambodia or Nepal.
The difference is the air; it's dirtier in India; but makes for better sunrises...