Arches Sans Color

A few of the images from Arches lent themselves, in my opinion, to an interesting and slightly better portrayal in black and white.
Here are three from that trip.
Off to process shots Canyonlands NP next...stay tuned.
A few of the images from Arches lent themselves, in my opinion, to an interesting and slightly better portrayal in black and white.
Here are three from that trip.
Off to process shots Canyonlands NP next...stay tuned.
Very nice, Gato. I agree, there is a texture and character that does seem to be accentuated in B&W. I don't remember ever seeing a double arch in a single formation.....much less the three seen here. Terrific. I like the tree shot a lot. I'm thinking it might benefit from a light boost in contrast. Thanks for posting these.
The shapes and textures do well in these b&w's.
I like no 1 best.
The first shot grabs me the most. The crop at the top bothers me some; if it were a little higher or lower I think it would help, but as is you seem to be cutting off just the tip of the high rock at the left.
Hi Gato, nice set, I agree with you that BW is great for the Moab area. It is such an amazing place that really, anything works...!
THANK YOU everyone!!! I appreciate everyone's feedback and comments.
Don, I agree a tad bit lower perspective would have worked much better. Note to self for the next trip out there!
Tom, I will try a contrast boost, good idea!
Sorry for the tardy response, the past two weeks have been very hectic...daytime job and assorted, secondary, mandatory projects are a major time drain and could not be avoided.
Hope to upload new images soon.
Thanks again everyone.
El Gato
Last comp is good!
Thanks Taz!
El Gato