Mini Challenge #310 the eye of the beholder...

There's a saying "Art, like beauty is in the eye of the beholder." For this challenge I'd like to see examples of how we "beholders" i.e. photographers can capture the emotion of a three-dimensional work of art - sculptures, statues, carving, installation - any medium, just please no pictures of paintings. The works can represent secular or sacred themes; indoors or outdoors; in public spaces, museums, churches or in private homes... wherever. The photos can capture an entire work or a portion thereof. What I'm looking for is the feeling of being there myself.
The mini will run until Sunday, December 27 (giving us all a bit of a holiday buffer!) 9:00am PST. Have fun!
Here are a few examples:
Wood carving in a cloister
Installation in a museum
In a public garden
In the Louvre
And if you haven't participated before, please take a look at the un-official rules here:
This is a great theme Sara. I'll start it off.
Dave Gillespie
@DavidRGillespie Thanks for starting, David. Fine entries all!
Great topic - even though I probably don't have much to offer here are my entries:
1) Bronze life-sized sculpture of wild horses native to Nevada. Artist is Douglas Van Howd - his studio and this particular sculpture is located in auburn, Ca.

2) (Tried and true) Station Master sculpture in Dayton, Washington.

3) Sculpture created from a Redwood tree in a cemetery in Foresthill, Ca. By a local artist who has created three large installations for the cemetery.

Book 2:
@Cavalier Thanks for the swell entries, Jo!
Great theme! I have so many pictures of statues and such, I will stick with some of the funnier ones.
1 ppppttttt... Excuse me?

2 Sundrenched Creature

3 ...umm...yeah, this one

@JAG Joyce, thanks for adding a bit of levity to the mini!
Another nice one Sara
1: Four ladies

2: "Boys Games" by Jarno Mäkilä (Exhibition of contemporary Finnish ceramics in the Finnish Design Museum (Helsinki)

3: "La mer, ce grand sculpteur" by Jean-Michel Folon enjoying the sunset on a wavebreaker in Knokke

And just for fun, one out of competition, a sculpture made by my wife for my sister for her 50th birthday

(I think you can guess what kind of pet my sister has and what its colour is
My SmugMug
@pegelli Thanks for the very interesting entries. Pieter. And wow, your wife is very talented!
Great theme Sara, & tons of great entries! Next couple weeks are going to be extremely busy for me, so please don't consider these as entries, just participation. & @pegelli - very awesome work by your wife, and of course well captured!
Moses kneeling before the Burning Bush, Smith Hall, KU (stained glass window is in Smith Hall)

"Rush Hour" by George Segal (with interesting spectator & some weird reflections)
Dr. Suess store in a Chicago mall (for the smile)
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
My granddaughter has fun with making captions for works of art. These are two she did in Paris which I thought amusing - not for judging of course since she's not a member.

Mine are less amusing

1) A happy monk- in a little village called Monnickendam (founded by monks)
2) A brooding Russian poet (in Tallin)
3) Stephen M. White - As a U. S. Senator, White led the campaign in Congress to make San Pedro a major harbor. Someone has described this statue somewhat unkindly as "The whole impression is that of a man who has slept on a bus."
@lkbart @grandmaR GrandmaR, thank you so much for the great entries and Lilian, thanks for taking part even though you don't want to be considered.
I've bee away for a while, but I'm back now. Traveling is different in these times. Interesting mini Sara. Here are my submissions.
Naumburger Dom, Naumburg (Saale), Germany
Another from the Naumburger Dom, Naumburg (Saale), Germany
Greenman, Fuggerei Biergarten, Augsburg, Germany
Hey Kurt, nice to see entries from you - welcome back! ...and don't expect any favoritism for the home town shot!

So my shameless pandering won't work?
Flood Wall, Paducah, Kentucky. Edit...I have never considered these paintings but I suppose murals are still paintings. Oops.

Owen Bradley, Sweet Dreams and Crazy, Downtown Nashville

Boston, Larry Bird's Shoes

@jayegirl Thanks so much for joining in with these three great entries. And although the murals are technically painted, I wouldn't consider this "a picture of a painting" because the mural is very much a part of its environment, which you have captured quite well.
I hope everyone is having a peaceful holiday season. Just a reminder that there's one day left to enter the mini!
Thanks all for the entries, the mini is now closed. Results will be up tomorrow.