Some " new " old barns
3) Time, heavy snow, and ice storms eventually get them all.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
3) Time, heavy snow, and ice storms eventually get them all.
Nice ones, was #3 from Ikea?
Thomson, Ga. USA
No 3 does look like it had a frustrated assembler.
Superb Tom! I love #2!
That's funny, Orv. ROFL
That poor mess is all that remains of Henry. I first met that dude about 35 years ago. Over the years, he's been a very willing subject for my lens. The elements finally got him.
Hey, buddy. I'd had my eyes on #2 for a long time. But the thing sits on the crest of a huge hill that has a fairly steep slope. I'd look at it and it was always......" Aw, hell, I'll catch that one next time ". Well, next time finally came.
Those old barns have a lot of stories to tell - if they could.
You know, Mary, truer words were never spoken. When I'm out shooting these old barns, I can't help but wonder about their history. Sometimes, I'm fortunate enough to learn a bit about them and their story. Mostly, though, that's not the case.
We've been talking about it for a year or more gotta put that book together. So many unique images of many wonderful, slowly disappearing (sometimes hidden) barns. Every picture tells a story. It would be a shame if that story is never told.
Thanks for providing us a peek back in time!
El Gato
Thanks for the continued interest, Gato. My wife is now encouraging me, to put it mildly, to do something meaningful ( a book ) with this huge number of images I've accumulated. She has a couple of degrees from the Univ. of Florida and she maintains contacts with some folks there who could be extremely helpful in such a project. It's those friends of hers who have the expertise. Now that she has entered the fray, I've gotta confess......I'm feeling the heat.
The first one is stunning.
Honestly, Cristóbal. that first shot is straight out of the camera. I shoot Nikon. I always have this camera adjusted internally to the " vivid " setting for color preference. Additionally, 90+ percent of the time, I'm shooting with a circular polarizer on. You can see from the shot that the sun angle was perfect for maximum polarizer effectiveness. The first time I opened that file, I was also stunned. It ranks in my personal top-ten of barn shots. Stay safe, buddy.