Summer blooms

Been working on a few images from summer 2020...getting me in the summer spirit and ready to see what this summer has to offer.
Been working on a few images from summer 2020...getting me in the summer spirit and ready to see what this summer has to offer.
They're all good. I particularly like the sunflowers but I have a weakness for them.
Very nice work, Al. I got to the second one and got stopped in my tracks. That's a great bloom and superbly captured.
I'm asking this question as a learning effort on my part: In shot #1, would use of a light dose of front fill flash help to bring more definition to the face of the sunflower....without detracting from the backlight that you had?
I like the third one, it is interesting to look at.
Don, Tom and Cristóbal...
Thank you all for your comments.
Tom, yes, I agree a front flash might just do the trick. I rarely pack a flash in my kit, I probably should start doing so. It would have helped bring out more definition as you surmised in the face of the sunflower.
The third shot is one of those where I wish I had a time lapse setup. I found this flower interesting as it was ejecting/shedding its seed pods for the next generation. I have never been able to be at the right place at the right time to capture this part of the flower's life cycle. In a few days this flower will look like the one in the background.
Thanks again for your comments everyone, much appreciated!
El Gato