Low Tide Re-do

Finally had the time to re-work the original and take care of that nasty horizon.
Thanks again everyone for you always appreciated C&C.
Finally had the time to re-work the original and take care of that nasty horizon.
Thanks again everyone for you always appreciated C&C.
Still a lovely shot, still tilted though...
I am willing to send anyone who requests, a shim for their laptop.
Re-do II coming up.
P.S. Cristóbal, et al. what tool/option do you use IF you need to straighten a horizon? Apparently what I used in PS post-processing, wasn't the right tool or I did not apply it properly.
Many thanks!!
El Gato
Good one but, yes, tilted.
For straightening I usually use the crop tool in Lightroom, which displays a grid that lets you get the verticals and horizontals right. The crop tool in Photoshop also works well but I seldom crop anything in PS.
(Actually, you can set the crop tool in LR to display a lot of things. Open the tool and keep typing "o" to see what I mean.)
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
I use the same thing
Thank you Sir!
It has been a crazy, hectic few weeks...daytime job getting in the way. Once I can get my head above the waterline, I will work through this in Lightroom.
Thanks once again for the insights!
El Gato
Thanks for your reply and for bringing a smile to my face...been a very loooong week!
El Gato