Clowder House

Had some fun practice time behind the lens with our furry, family members...they love the spotlight.
Had some fun practice time behind the lens with our furry, family members...they love the spotlight.
oooh, I want all three of them!!! Lovely shots.
Boy, Al, that's a great looking family. I'm curious as to the breed of these guys ( or girls ) . I trust that the one in #3 is just yawning. That beautiful one in #4 simply commands attention.
Very nice camera work, my friend. The presentation in #4 is world class. My first reaction was that it is a shame that the child had to share the stage with the mirror. But I tell you, with those riveting eyes and regal looks, that mirror disappears. Sterling shot
BG is not helping the shot. Cheers Gato
Thanks Sara!
You know, there are times when I'd send them to you...but, we love them and they make our life...enjoyable and interesting.
El Gato
"BG is not helping the shot. Cheers Gato"
Tom & Taz....
Thank you both.
Yup, the background in all the shots is distracting. Thankfully I was shooting for fun here. Really just having some fun with the felines. I found that waiting for a cat to yawn and then capturing that yawn, is a lot like watching paint dry.
Next up, fun with flowers. No, fun with flags is not on the list.
Thanks again for your comments everyone. Always appreciated.
El Gato