Shooting flowers.....a rarity for me
I just don't shoot many flower subjects....never been very good at it. However, I'm around gorgeous plants a lot. So here are the results of my singular annual excursion in to the plant world.
1 )
2 )
3 )
4 )
5 )
6 )
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Nice, I think that #1 and #4 are the nicest.
Thanks, buddy. It's hard to argue with your preferences.
Well done. I particularly like the color combination in the fourth one.
Thanks, Don. There was quite a large area devoted to the plants in #4. When you first come to that area, which is essentially out of view before, the colors almost overwhelm you.
This is excellent work Tom! Bravo!
Many thanks, my friend. I can't begin to tell you how many tweaks I've made to my photography techniques over the years based upon your observations and helpful all readers. I'm a much improved shooter these days and I'll be forever thankful that you cared to share your time and info......and not just to me but to the entire forum. There's not a member of our group who hasn't benefited from your participation.
Great work Tom....stepping out of your comfort zone.
I like the first image the best MHO, the combination of the simplicity and the colors come together perfectly and make for a very nice image. Sharp, crisp, beautiful.
Well done.
El Gato
Thanks, Al. What have you been up to? You haven't found any targets for your B&W magic? You're the one who principally piqued my interest in pursuing B&W more ardently when the right opportunity arises. I'm grateful to you, brother.