black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited May 4, 2023
Hey, buddy. I met the artist, Bill Reid, at an art show. His work is done exclusively with a pallet blade. He turns out some really striking stuff. I commissioned him to do something for me. The only guideline I gave him were the colors I wanted him to work with. Otherwise, he had complete freedom to create something. The entire piece is a 30 in. by 30 in. square. The colorful abyss here is completely surrounded by white, artfully blended in with the colored area. I did post a version of this ( but showing more of the white area ) a couple of years ago. If you care to see the entire work, message me with an email address and I'll shoot you a cell phone shot. It's one of my favorite acquisitions.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Cool! A piece of a larger oil paint? Yours?
Hey, buddy. I met the artist, Bill Reid, at an art show. His work is done exclusively with a pallet blade. He turns out some really striking stuff. I commissioned him to do something for me. The only guideline I gave him were the colors I wanted him to work with. Otherwise, he had complete freedom to create something. The entire piece is a 30 in. by 30 in. square. The colorful abyss here is completely surrounded by white, artfully blended in with the colored area. I did post a version of this ( but showing more of the white area ) a couple of years ago. If you care to see the entire work, message me with an email address and I'll shoot you a cell phone shot. It's one of my favorite acquisitions.
Interesting piece, very vibrant colors.
My Smugmug gallery
Thanks, Mike, I appreciate the visit. I recently picked up another of that artist's works. Same story....vibrant colors.
Cool! I always find interesting to find new angles on things.Nice!