Other problems with OvernightPrints.com?
While looking through the business card thread, I took note of the recommendations for OvernightPrints.com. I checked out their site and was about ready to throw them my business when I ran across another thread here complaining about shipping delays and claiming they had an "F" rating with the BBB.
In checking it out, I pulled up the Contact Us page at OvernightPrints and was surprised to see the online form already filled in with another customer's complaint. Ironically, he was complaining about his personal order information being visible to anyone who went through the ordering process...so everyone can see his personal information and his complaint information.
It's pretty much put me off but still wonder if a lot of folks here use 'em and if so, is all this really indicative of their service?
Are there any other recommendations out there?
In checking it out, I pulled up the Contact Us page at OvernightPrints and was surprised to see the online form already filled in with another customer's complaint. Ironically, he was complaining about his personal order information being visible to anyone who went through the ordering process...so everyone can see his personal information and his complaint information.
It's pretty much put me off but still wonder if a lot of folks here use 'em and if so, is all this really indicative of their service?
Are there any other recommendations out there?
I hope it wasn't Harry B's info :uhoh
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HOW does a company let this happen?
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I even partially went through the order process and sure enough, this guy's personal information is still hangin' out there. Fortunately, I saw no credit card or Paypal info displayed. That would be scary, for sure.
Their online-system lets session data bleed over: One user logs in - or just connects 'anonymously' - but the system thinks it is another user. The other user's data is visible to the wrong person!
I did send an e-mail to them a while ago about this... they don't seem to think it's important at al. Of course, until somebody gets financially hurt by this and sues their butts off. It isn't that overnightprints does not know about the problem...
That's one of the reasons i ordered my businesscards a www.gotprint.com. I'm very happy with them. The cards look very good!
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
I ordered 2 different sets of business cards and postcards from them within the past month and although I got perfect quality cards and they were shipped on time, I did get someone from Arizona showing up on the personal information page when I went to pay. I logged the info and took a screen shot and notified the person then went on with my order.
That person emailed me the next morning and said they went back to overnightprints.com and now my personal information was showing up. It's a bit disturbing and something that they need to fix badly but the only information it shows is your name/address/phone/email. Nothing more than is already all over the interent in other places. If my credit card information was on there I would have blown a gasket but non of that was shown.
It appears that the "last" person to order gets their info stuck on the website until the next victim. I would love for them to fix this, however, it will not stop me from ordering from them. The quality of business card I received was un-beatable!!!!!
I agree... I sent them an e-mail when I saw Harry's information on there too... I even called and left them a voice message.
Thanks for the alternative. I will have to give them a look.
I'm at a loss as to why if this mistake with your personal information, and their obvious indifference to it, would make you feel they will have no issues keeping your creddit card information secure?
Yes I felt their product was a good deal for the price, but when I was emailed by someone else a screenshot of my personal data, and I left a message for overnight prints on their contact page and received not one reply and others have had the same issue, this will not be a company I will do business with. Anyone that will after knowing this, is saying that it's OK that any customer service issues that they may have and that they completely ignore is the right way to do business.
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Glass: >Sigma 17-35mm,f2.8-4 DG >Tamron 28-75mm,f2.8 >Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro >Canon 70-200mm,f2.8L IS >Canon 200mm,f2.8L
Flash: >550EX >Sigma EF-500 DG Super >studio strobes
Sites: Jim Mitte Photography - Livingston Sports Photos - Brighton Football Photos
No doubt,
but like Khaos said, if they are so careless with my personal information - and so obviously (it's not the first time this happens) - then i won't do business with them. GotPrint.com printed my business cards and i was very happy with the results.
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
Just received my order and the cards are not cut straight, which makes the text look slanted. I measured the cards and they're off by 1/16th, just enough to notice. Tried to contact them twice via email, not a response from them. Now I've got 1,000 business cards that look like crap, want my advice, stay away from this rip off company.
Call your credit card company, dispute the charege, you'll NOT HAVE TO PAY. THat will get ONP's attention.
I'll say again, I've ordered twice with no difficulty. Perhaps I just got lucky with them?
Sorry for your troubles, Larbear!
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A former sports shooter
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I then sent them an e-mail describing the problem. 3 days later I received an e-mail from them telling me that they did not have the problem that I described and that whatever was happening must be my fault. :bash
Even though they have a fine product I will not be ordering from them again.
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
I recently used Overnight prints using a biz card file I created and made a PDF. This was for a client of mine - I design web and print. When my client received the order there was a HUGE color shift after about the tenth card, from purple to fuschia pink!! I couldn't believe they let this out there door!!
My VoIP phone would not allow me to dial their customer service line so I had to rely on their contact page......wish I had known about THAT other problem!!
I had not received a response from them after 24 hrs so I decided to get their attention so when I went to the contact page and, yes, my info was there I thought it was my computer doing that.....anyway, I hit send, then back, then send again and repeated these steps about 50 times. I received a response within ten minutes
They told me they would reprint it but that I should expect color shift as a possibility. I found that unacceptable so as it stands now, I sent that same file to gotprints.com Im keeping my fingers crossed.
Just wanted this out there for any other unsuspecting rubes. I did get my refund back......a little side note about their customer service......after the refund was underway, I got an email FINALLY answering my first contact with them on this problem! I emailed back and told them how much their customer service sucked!
Color shifts on cards, worst customer service, orders get lost.....
My solution was http://www.dcflyers.com
Mucho Appreciado!
Master Of Sushi Noms
Amateur CSS Dork
A few months back I ordered some business cards from Overnightprints.com and when I received them, all of them were cut crooked. I emailed my disapointment to Overnightprints.com thinking it would fall on deaf ears, threw away the cards and figured I had been shafted. Much to my supprise Overnightprints.com reprinted my order, no charge to me, and they came out perfect. I would recommend them to anyone who needs quality business cards.
Custom Freelance Photography
I will be happy to help you guys, if you no longer want to use OvernightPrints!
I run a printing company.....
check the company out here or see products we print:
call or email for any questions:
ASM Goods
Custom Printing for Your Business
I am a part of a very small "parent pack" and this weekend they ned fillers for a bag they are giving out at a farmers market. It's not much for traffic and I doubt many of the peopel there are in my target market (more older people) but i didn't want to miss out on the opportunity to atleast get my name out there. I threw together and VERY simple design and sent it to ONP for printing Last week.
Here's the design:
I was pleased with it and, like i said, i just wanted something simple.
I submitted my order early last week and then got word that it would be shipped and delivered on monday. Monday comes and they get here, I'm all excited to open them. I look at the one taped to the front and am VERY pleased with how they look.
I open the box and am shocked at the many variations of BAD these cards look.
Here's a quick scan of just FOUR of the different variations in the ONE box:
So needless to say, I email them monday around 2pm. No word come tuesday morning. I resend the email at 8am (with a note attached saying that I *NEED* these for this weekend and I'll continue to resend this email until i get word back that they are being reprinted). NO word by 2pm and I couldn't call before then b/c my son was being a terror. so when my hubby gets home, I call. I'm on home for 30 minutes. A pita, but i wasn't shocked.
I talk to Robert. Robert is nice enough, explains that sometimes black and white images are difficult to match. I said 'that i can understand, but these are RED. like RED RED." he doesn't seem to believe me. I explain how out of 100 cards only about 6 or 7 are correct and the rest are so bad i'd NEVER give them out with my business name on them (can ya blame me?). Robert seems very nice and proceeds to explain that it could be whats called a "powder bomb" if it's in the same spot. I explain that it isn't in the same spot... on ANY card. no two are alike. it's unlike anything i've ever seen. again, he acts like i'm a raving lunatic. he says he'll put them in for printing today and they will ship within 3-4 days. (mind you, I made a point to say ' i really need these for this weekend' about 16 times at this point).
I've been VERY calm up until now which really isn't typical of Me.
Finally i get frustrated.
I say "Now, here's the problem with that. I've told you time and again that i need them by saturday. Had you guys printed them correctly the first time or Even CAUGHT the error before shipping, I would have had them in time, so how are we going to rectify this situation?" (not too much to ask, i dont' think)
He says "well, you migth have them by saturday". I said "might isn't good enough. I run a business. I NEED them for saturday. How are you going to make this happen?"
In a long run of events he offers me 3 days epxress which "may get them here by saturday or maybe monday".
I'm displeased. I let him know that.
I say "you know, if you can't even get me my merchandise here in a timely manner, then lets jst cancel my order." he says "we can do that. it's up to you"
ooooooh, no.
I say "no, actually, it isn't up to me. It's up to you. I'm a customer of yours who orders business cards through you for THREE businesses (a local mothers group that i run, my photography business, and a side photo jewelry business) and you aren't even willing to cough up the express shipping to get my order to me on time in order to save a relationship with a customer? See, THAT'S when i start to think it's up to YOU since you're CHOOSING to not help me out here"
he says "lets go ahead and cancel your order"
oooh, okay. that's a FABULOUS way to keep a customer. GR.
I say "okay, that sounds great. I'll just take my business elsewhere."
I'm livid, but very calm and matter of fact. My husband was scared. I could see it in his eyes
He hacks away on his computer for 4 minute then says "you know, let me see what i can do here".
Good thinkin' buddy.
He puts me on hold for 13 more minutes (I'm watching the counter on my cellphone so if i need to I can complain about how long i've been on the phone to resolve this,
I say "and if they dont' get here by saturday, should i just 'return to sender' then?"
he says "you could do that"
will they probably be here by saturday? yeah, probably
was i pleased wtih the way it was handled? absolutely not.
COULD they have gone above and beyond and shipped them out next day air just to easy my mind and keep a customer? Most certainly.
So basically, I had crappy service. I hope you don't and I'll now be going elsewhere with my printing needs.
So, I'll say they do ok work... simply another opinion to help folks decide.
Just my 2 cents.
They are certainly not 'overnight', it can take couple of days to print and they're slow in shipping, but I got the goods, on time, I was pleased, perhaps by the time I need to print cards again they'll have improved their custome service.
And I do hope reitzphoto got her cards on time.
Creator of: SmugManager
"There's no dark side or the moon, really. Matter of fact it's all dark..."
I also had my share of problems with Overnightprints.com. I'm interested that you guys have also found them. I am close (about 10 mi) from their "main office". My business partner and I both placed orders for 1000 4x6 double sided postcards and 1000 business cards. We experienced the you are caller number 1200 hassle but thought for the price it wasn't bad.
Her order was printed fairly well. Some pixelation of the fonts and slight variations, but not too bad. I had a deadline for my order and placed it with 5 businesses days to spare. I ordered it with ground shipping since they were going 10 miles to my house. The order kept saying it was processing when it should have shipped. I phoned them and I was told that they print the orders at multiple locations across the country. They do not offer proofing and although they somewhat guarantee the orders, they do not color match. Everytime you order, it is printed on a different type of machine in a different warehouse in a different state. No way to color correct or match on reorders. Instead of my order being printed in Santa Ana, California like I was told over the phone, she said it was printed in KY. Now, in order to get it on time, I had to pay extra for air shipping. I was told to order this over the web. It didn't work. She instructed me to clear ALL cookies in my browser and try again. I declined. After a few minutes she said she could email me a link and then I could do another order for the shipping.
I get the order on the day promised. All 4 30lb boxes. What?? I ordered 1000 business cards and 1000 postcards. What did they send me? Well, I got my order Branin Johnson and also John (or whatever) Johnson's order too. So they sent me 3000 postcards of someone else's order for an event less than three weeks away. (i'm sure they were mad when they didn't get their order). I think they sent me 2000 of my postcards when I paid for 1000. All of that and the order was sent ground. From Santa Ana. They don't seem to know what is going on over there. Luckily, they did catch and credit me for the additional shipping they charged or that would have sent me over the top with them. The printing quality isn't bad. The weight of the cards is very nice as well as the UV coat. I've gotten some compliments on that. The colors are off (mild to medium). I guess I can live with it for the price and they seem to be fairly consistant throughout the batch.
I do not know if I will order from them again or not. They are cheap. Especially if you put in the code "postcardsale". I guess I would order from them if you are not in a hurry, want it cheap and can deal with some issues.
Any other recommendations?? BTW, don't ever use a company called postcardpress.com or its sister company nextdayflyers.com. Serious problems and they didn't refund my money until I disputed with my credit card company.
For postcards and such, I've really had good experience with 4over.com
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I have used overnightprints.com on several occasions. Have only had one probelm with printing with them and they corrected immediately - no charge. I have been very pleased. being a professiona photographer too I am really picky about the images I give out to prospective clients - these people have done great work for me.
Cool - what's your website, we'd love to see your work
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Once they delivered a box to the wrong address, and NEVER took responsibility, nor replaced the order.
I have had color shifts two times. Once I didn't tell them about it. The other I just redid my file and it was printed wrong because the original was "right".
Their delivery times have been good. Nice to know that Santa Ana isn't the only place they ship from. I am going to try someone else on my next order that isn't "rush". All those were.
Galleries here Upcoming Ranch/Horse Workshop
I haven't seen anything posted lately about overnightprints.com
Anyone know if they fixed their problems yet? (communication, quality control, security)
I was happy with their work until my last order which was a disappointment and I couldn't get satisfaction.
If not, I'm looking for a business card printer that does high saturation, photo quality semi-glossy/glossy cards on comparable heavy card stock.
Basic but makin' changes