Lightbox causes Firefox to crash...
I hope you guys are in the process of upgrading it as we speak and thats why this is happening now (never used to happen)...
Its crashing Firefox and I've tried multiple galleries and pictures. if it matters...
Its crashing Firefox and I've tried multiple galleries and pictures. if it matters...
Just tried someone else's site, freezes firefox there too!
What version of firefox are you using? You should also clear out the cache and see if that helps.
Just tried my home comptuer using VNC (I'm at work), doesn't freeze there...
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Just cleared cache, still freezes...
Firefox 1.0.7
it works at home, Firefox 1.5
Yeah, that is probably the problem. The only other person I have spoken to with that problem was using 1.0.7. More than likely a FF 1.0.7 bug that has been fixed in later versions. Upgrading to a later version should fix it.
Error Signiture:
AppName: firefox.exe AppVer: ModName: firefox.exe
ModVer: Offset: 00172b07
I can't downlad or install anything here at work...
maybe I'll do it anyway...Hope I don't get in trouble!!!
Is this really acceptable for normal users though? Most people will just assume "This site is broken/sucks" and move on! I really think this needs to be checked out! :uhoh
we are definitely going to look into it and see about fixing it, that is for sure. But it works in every other browser, and the other versions of FF. That one particular version has a bug, that will probably require a significant amount of custom code to fix (if it is even fixable). So while we will work on it, my recommendation is definitely to upgrade to a less buggy version of the product.
Also crashes Mozilla 1.6
Thats probably not that surprising either... as that build is over 2 years old. Thanks for the input though, hopefully it will be fixable.
Did something change over night? It was working yesterday before I left work, and this morning, it justs crashes FF.
I found a former co-worker's site last night right before I left for home, took a look at a few pictures, left the browser on the page, and came back to it this morning. The lightbox was working (even if I didn't like it) last night, but when I clicked on a pictures this morning, FF just crashed on me.
Can you upgrade to the latest version of FF? We provided some significant enhancements to LB as a result of user input.
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...Unless there is a pop-up box that gives users a list of browsers that won't work, this really is unacceptable. Do I really need to go into ALL of my gallery descriptions and put
"My website will cause your browser to freeze, trashing ALL of your open windows, if you are not using the latest Firefox/Mozilla"
If there ever was a reason to let me disable Lightbox...this is it!
Really goes against Smugmug's argument against MPEG-4. I'd love to be able to say "Go download the latest Windows Media Player/Apple Quicktime to view my videos"!
So now I have to say "go upgrade your software to view my pictures", but I can't say "go upgrade your software to view my videos"?
Imagine all of the support questions you're gonna get on this one!...probably very little actaully, the users will probably just think "this site sucks, it keeps freezing my browser" and leave
Let it not be said that we force anything on anybody..
put this in your javascript section of your customization panel.
useLightbox = false;
In the meantime, let the engineers and product manager see what possibly can be done for the older, buggy versions of Firefox.
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Meh. I think you'll regret it. But, it's your choice.
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Site crashing > pop-up window for large pics
I LOVE lightbox, just get it fixed
Oh, and thanks for that video link!
Well, this will probably get me creamed here, but I kinda miss the rotating gears. Then again, I'm a fan of Light Box. But I'm happy either way. And it's great that the captions show!
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help
Our statistics are very clear:
16.9% of our customers use Firefox. >80% of them are using (automatic updates hard at work!), <10% are using 1.5, and the remaining <10% are using other versions, including 1.0.7. (somewhere around 1% are using Firefox 1.0.7, basically).
0.68% of our customers are using some version of Mozilla.
Combined, we're talking about less than 2% of our customers - much less than the # who use IE5 (which we don't support, and really doesn't work).
Firefox is a free browser upgrade. Anyone running it is familiar with where to get it and how free it is, so it's much less painful than something like Media Player or Quicktime.
The fact that >80% are running a release less than two weeks old already speaks volumes for the power of modern browsers.
We'll try to fix it as best we can, but SmugMug will continue to make things better for the vast majority of our customers at the expensive of a small minority. Otherwise we'd still be building pages for IE4 and no-one would like using our site.
(We're working on the MPEG-4 angle, btw. The situation changes a lot every year, and pieces are finally falling into place. Keep those fingers crossed for more broad cross-platform MPEG-4 support)!
I love Smugmug, but just like Nintendo with thier Virtual Boy, you can't have a perfect record forever
Oh, and about MPEG-4.....<img src="" border="0" alt="" >clap<img src="" border="0" alt="" >
I actaully think it loads faster without them...might just be perception though...
Now, I went to try out the improvements before I ripped it off my site and I've got some bad news for you. It crashes Mozilla 1.7.12 (the most recent release) on Fedora Core 3. Yes I've cleared my cache and restarted Mozilla. It dies and it dies hard taking all open windows and tabs with it. I checked, there is no more recent version of Mozilla for linux than this.
So fortunately I've got pro account and can disable it, but I'm guessing (unless it's a freaky thing with this particular system) you've got some unhappy Linux users out there.
So anyway, I just decided, well heck, I'm still curious what they changed. I just went into Windows XP and tried it in Netscape 7.1 and guess what, it crashed hard there as well.
Finally, I decided I'll open up the Virus Collector(tm) (a.k.a. Internet Explorer) and got to see it.
So I don't think your release is firing on all cylinders here.
I tried both and You can't try kenandchristine anymore since I disabled it.
Don't want to repost the entire thing, so you can read my post on this subject here.
Bottom line: You tested with two obscure browsers that aren't supported. Try IE6, Firefox, or Safari.
If your plan is to call every *compliant* browser on the market that hard crashes with your fancy little applet *obscure* then you're headed down a path I don't want to join you guys on.
It is inoperable, period. Fix it or yank it. I yanked it from my site (thanks for the option by the way) but there are others that don't have that option.
Have you tried the other Linux browsers? Just curious if the other Linux browsers (besides Firefox) crash with this...