My schools on the news...

not for a reason i'm proud of, but its very stupid. they're giving us all 10 days of O.S.S. (out of school suspension) for saying we don't like the school. i've seen the xangas in question before they were shut down and they're way over-exaggerating... KCTV5, just aired. i saw them when the buses came.
the "liquid substance" wasn't liquid, it was a Crystal Light Lemonade, shaker thingy for your waterbottle.
they shut down my xanga because i said i didn't like a teacher..*in those exact words*
meh, schools are messed up now-a-days...
Daniel KCTV5, just aired. i saw them when the buses came.
the "liquid substance" wasn't liquid, it was a Crystal Light Lemonade, shaker thingy for your waterbottle.
they shut down my xanga because i said i didn't like a teacher..*in those exact words*
meh, schools are messed up now-a-days...
Daniel Bauer
maybe school needs to be more challenging for you...:):
we don't even have photojournalism
izzat like a forum? if it is, don't they know that students have been bad-mouthing teachers forever? but now that its gone online, you can be suspended for it?
If I'm right on that, I give it a big: Sheesh
Phoenix, AZ
Canon Bodies
Canon and Zeiss Lenses
You'll be challenged with the horrid task of learning how to use a Mac (poor baby!) and Nikons... the wider your experience and expertise the better it will make your employability...
So besides taunting authority, what are your favorite subjects in school?
Xanga is an online journal like LiveJournal or Myspace and such...
my new one is for example.
and yeah, apparently they just now decided to pay attention to it.
they have parents from the PTA checking everyones now... and the second something shows up about trailridge they shut down yours...
French and Orchestra.
and actually for a laptop i was thinking of gettin an Ibook when they have Intel
You're not an ordinary 14 year old!
So are you an A student or a D student?
but anyways, it really depends what subjects... i have an A in English, Geometry, Gym, Social Studies, and French. I have a D in Communications *useless language arts class anyways* and Orchestra doesn't really give a grade... and i have a C in Science...:D
That's sort of like the whole Myspace thing that happened a while back. Pretty similar to this.
"Money can't buy happiness...But it can buy expensive posessions that make other people envious, and that feels just as good.":D
Canon 20D, Canon 50 1.8 II, Canon 70-200 f/4L, Canon 17-40 f/4 L, Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro, Canon 430ex.
It sucks when it looks like they're overstepping the bounds. But no-one ever thinks a murder is going to happen at their schools. I'm quite sure that's what everyone at Colombine thought. Well, almost everyone, that is.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
i know the kid in question, he's quite a sarcastic person...honestly i don't think he has a mean bone in him though... no ones even mean to him.. plus he's a Vegan and all that jazz.
Not to make light of the topic but I would be mean as can be if I didnt have beef, pork, and turkey in my diet. Always watch out for the herbavores.
Phoenix, AZ
Canon Bodies
Canon and Zeiss Lenses
Now, that's whacked. Every middle school and H.S. around here does. :uhoh
And those web blogs are banned here in Illinois too. If any student is found to be posting on them - they're out of school.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Please tell me you are exaggerating here. This can't possibly be legal. What happened to freedom of speech? Now I grant that we tend to treat anyone under 18 (and often times 21) as being less than people as far as legal rights go, but still, things are getting out of hand. There is a big difference between threats and opinions.
How can the school restrict what you do when you are not there?
(Sorry for the rant, but this sort of thing really bugs me.)
Nikon D200, usually with 18-200VR or 50mm f/1.8D
Ubuntu 9.04, Bibblepro, GIMP, Argyllcms
Blog at
exactly why this has been on the news for 2 weeks. students aren't showing up for school... today we had a total of 400 at school, when the school has about 650 kids in it...
Well, I'm not exaggerating. Our town's forum has been commenting on the MySpace controversy for a while now. The schools have been scrambling of late to institute some sort of policy. It is apparently easier to dismiss the student than to really interpret the message. When any comment against someone, a school rule, or anything volitile is seen (real or imagined) on one of those kid's blogs anywhere, then the source (kid) is found (I don't know how, but they do) and the student punished or expelled. Lately it has all boiled down to something like this: "Just don't blog. If you do blog, do not mention school, or any student's name or knickname. Just don't blog. Period."
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
we do in high school... but most of the kids that join that don't know the difference between a P&S and a DSLR. besides the fact that, mine's bigger, and takes better photos.
MM Portfolio
Canon 30D | Canon 50mm f/1.8 | Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 | Canon Speedlite 580ex
Mmmmmmmmm.... Oklahoma Joes
Sorry to hear about all the school issues. If it makes you feel any better, on this side of the state line even at the high school level we had a pretty crappy PhotoJ program. That was one good thing about attending MU - they have a killer PhotoJ department.
Colleges face the same problem. That's why I am in no way interested in looking into any college course in photography except for perhaps studio lighting. And even that might be compromised by oddballs and a part-time instructor who might not be up to par. I'm a big fan of learning by doing, reading, and practicing. Self-taught is better. But not everybody is able to learn that way.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
So you're saying that these days, if I had a bad test, and walked out of the classroom and muttered under my breath "Mr Smith is a real a**hole", and Mrs Jones heard me, I'd be suspended and maybe brought up on charges?
That's what these blogs equate to! It's just kids being brats, its their job! You can't hold that Columbine torch up for everything. This is invasion of privacy, lack of freedom of speech/expression, and so on.
I swear I'm not having kids. We live in the most over protected, hippocritical, and over litigated society on the planet!
boy I'm mad
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
actually at our school, they don't really care if we cuss about a teacher, just threats and saying we don't like them
Crikey, I should be serving 11 consecutive life sentences for all the times I've said I wanted to kick a professor in the teeth!
What's next, I won't be able to yell "you effin conehead!!!" at stupid cage drivers who try to kill me on my motorcycle?