My schools on the news...



  • DanielBDanielB Registered Users Posts: 2,362 Major grins
    edited March 11, 2006
    Nee7x7 wrote:
    Awais, I'm sorry you've been physically beaten in class. That's not OK, either, and is unheard of in our country (the United States of America), though we seem to have gone too far the other way in allowing our kids to run rampant. I do agree with your belief that teachers deserve and should get respect. I know there are teachers that are not so great...I had a few myself, and it's not easy to deal with the ones like that. But it bothers me the level kids go to nowadays in their so called "pranks".

    Daniel, I don't mean to get on your case, but please try to see the situation from the teacher's point of view. How would you feel in their place with most of class acting up and then putting something in their drink after someone has threatened to kill them? Teachers are not paid enough money to have to deal with that sort of stuff. You should respect your teachers enough to not pull pranks, even if they aren't very good teachers. If a teacher really is that bad, then talk to your parents and go to the principle and/or school board about it.

    I'm even more than a little bothered by the shoe hiding prank you admit to...did it ever occur to you to think about why the teacher was so tired? Can you imagine how hard and terribly discouraging it must have been for that teacher to reach the end of the day exhausted only to find their shoes missing and then they have to leave the school shoeless amid sarcastic snickers from the very kids whose respect they are trying to earn?

    Maybe the most troubling thing that today's kids lack is empathy...putting yourself in another person', so to speak. Imagine if your friends (or worse, your enemies) did that to you. How would you feel having to walk out of the classroom with everyone laughing at you (and of course talking about it for days to come)? If you can apply that sort of empathetic thought to every situation you encounter and only to do others what you would want them to do to you, then you should do well in life!

    And no, TP-ing someone's house isn't really the same as vandalism (well, unless you're doing it to send a hate message to an unpopular person). I'm referring more to the destruction, defacment or stealing of property. On our block, teens or younger kids have spray painted gang symbols on one person's garage door and on a public walkway, another kid busted up one of our large, expensive ceramic planters and kids have taken off with some of our grandson's things...such as his razor scooter, his basketball, and the like (which we fortunately have been able to recover). And we actually live in a very "nice" neighborhood!

    The thing is, it really bothers me that kids of today think it's ok to act so maliciously and disrespectfully toward their elders and those in authority. Daniel, you should count your lucky stars that you don't live in a country like Pakistan, (where Awais lives), where teachers can BEAT you for being disrespectful!!! I'd love to see the kids of your generation quit moaning about your "rights" to say whatever you want about anyone you wish and start thinking about giving those people a little more respect whose job it is to help you realize your life's potential.

    Anyhow, I think you are a bright and talented young man with so much to gain and give in life. I applaud you for your creativity and boundless energy. I hope you will work at seeking out positive ways to deal with the wrongs you encounter in life (and you will encounter many things that are unfair or unjust on the road of life...that's just a part of life!). Perhaps we might see Daniel running for President one day? Or publishing a voice of freedom newspaper? Or addressing the wrongs of society in order to bring justice to the downtrodden? Or maybe becoming a well respected photographer who shares his personal vision with the world.

    I'll say go for it, Daniel!!! And more power to ya~ thumb.gif

    thank you, Nee....

    oh, and for the teacher shoe prank... don't think of it as a bad thing... he was a cool teacher that liked me, and he was laughing the entire time to...:D he would give me candy out of his "secret stash" or so he called it, after i told him wehre the shoes were, telling me i did a good job hiding them. lol3.gif trust me, i wouldn't have done it if i didn't think i had a strong enough relationship with that teacher to not get mad at me.
    Daniel Bauer

  • DoctorItDoctorIt Administrators Posts: 11,952 moderator
    edited March 11, 2006
    Nee, some well written thoughts. While I'll defend letting kids "say" bad things about teachers to the death - again, they're young punks, they're gonna do it - I agree with you: Pranks are not ok. Teachers get sh*t on enough by the states and schools that pay them dirt and expect them to like it. And for those of you who think teachers have all the fun with their days ending at 3pm and summers off, haven't lived with one.

    I can't remember a friday night in the last year where MrsIt wasn't asleep on the couch by 7pm. Poor girl, she used to out-party me. Those little bastards have sucked the life right out of her, but she keeps going back for more. Can we give her 10 days out of school suspension? I bet I could even get her to swear if properly coaxed!

    But, Nee, I have to disagree with you on one point...

    Daniel is a little, emoticon-abusing punk!!!

    Since 2004...
  • DanielBDanielB Registered Users Posts: 2,362 Major grins
    edited March 11, 2006
    DoctorIt wrote:
    But, Nee, I have to disagree with you on one point...

    Daniel is a little, emoticon-abusing punk!!!


    that.....i'll admit to.
    Daniel Bauer

  • DanielBDanielB Registered Users Posts: 2,362 Major grins
    edited March 12, 2006
    i just talked to one of the kids in question on AIM *the one who put hand sanitizer in the coffee* and now the TEACHER is sueing him... in civil court and asking for 10,000 dollars.eek7.gif no one ever did like that teacher...
    Daniel Bauer

  • BodwickBodwick Registered Users Posts: 396 Major grins
    edited March 12, 2006
    DanielB wrote:
    i just talked to one of the kids in question on AIM *the one who put hand sanitizer in the coffee* and now the TEACHER is sueing him... in civil court and asking for 10,000 dollars.eek7.gif no one ever did like that teacher...

    My Mother used to be a teacher and my partner was a special needs teacher untill very recently. She did a stint in China of a year on contract and won't work in UK schools any more.

    If you believe its ok to mutter threats when your a weedy 14 year old is it still ok to do the same when your 16 and 6 foot tall?

    At what point do you join the real World in which threats are not treated as a joke. I have plenty of grief from school kids who leave school at the end of the day with an attitude and think they can carry on however they like without a thought for others.

    Anyone that puts hand sanitizer in another persons drink deserves to be sued and probably jailed for assault. I thought you said it was cool aid... Maybe date rape drugs or anti-freeze next, it's only a joke after all...rolleyes1.gif Never mess with anyones drink!!!!

    It's all down to that overused Yoof culture word 'Respect'. You want it you earn it.

    You've had lots of good advice I hope you can read and understand whats being said.

    As for the mention of 'Lord of the Flies' I can honestly say I lived it in a Scottish boarding school of the 70's....Bleak? you could say that....

    Make the most of your life Daniel, it's a big World out there.

    "The important thing is to just take the picture with the lens you have when the picture happens."
    Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer

    Reporters sans frontières
  • DanielBDanielB Registered Users Posts: 2,362 Major grins
    edited March 12, 2006
    Bodwick wrote:
    If you believe its ok to mutter threats when your a weedy 14 year old is it still ok to do the same when your 16 and 6 foot tall?

    i'm 6 foot tall now.mwink.gif
    I thought you said it was cool aid...

    there was 2 one put hand sanitizer in a coffee pot, one put cool-aid in a coke... but all joking aside, i understand where you're coming from, but the stuff pulled didn't have a malicious intent... it was just teenagers being teenagers, which involves doing absolutly ridiculous and stupid things...

    its what we do.

    i know its a poor excuse if that, but most of the time we know when to not pull something and when it would be okay... these kids just left their brains behind that day.:D

    trust me, i know them. they ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
    Daniel Bauer

  • Nee7x7Nee7x7 Registered Users Posts: 459 Major grins
    edited March 12, 2006
    Daniel, I'm really relieved to hear the shoe prank was more of a good natured one between you and a well liked teacher who wasn't put off by it. That makes a whole lot of difference and makes me feel you got a good head on your shoulders...

    But then I see your following post, lol!

    Well, maybe everyone hates that teacher, but I can't really agree very much with your appearing to defend the kid who did it (I'm guessing a friend of yours?). If a lawsuit will let the students know it's not OK to put anything in anyone's food, be it. That prank really was pretty bad, even if the substance used was harmless. Maybe not worth $10,000, but definitely worth a hard lesson to the person who did it.

    No one likes the teacher? Chances are that teacher has gotten burned out after years of trying to do a difficult job and their personality isn't one that makes them popular with their students. Maybe it's time for that teacher to retire or be moved into a position that better suits them? You kids should go talk to your principal and let them know what's bugging you. If enough students (and parents) complain (providing they are valid complaints), you might see some more positive results come out of it than your friend having to pay out $10,000 for a stupid prank!

    Good luck (and emoticons are OK...abuse them as much as you like! :D )

    ~Nee rolleyes1.gif

    ps. Something to consider way to get rid of an enemy is to be their friend. Maybe you could try to talk to the teacher no one likes and befriend them? Understanding goes a long, long way and if you make friends you might even be able to make a difference in how that teacher acts toward the rest of the students. Ya never know...[/COLOR]

    If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
  • BodwickBodwick Registered Users Posts: 396 Major grins
    edited March 12, 2006
    i'm 6 foot tall now.mwink.gif
    But it's the short stocky quiet guy that you've gotta watch. And you wear glasses..eek7.gif Scary factor = 2...You get 1 for being a bloke and 1 for being over 12...Not very scary by the Bodwick scale sorry...But for a teacher you may be very intimidating.....
    there was 2 one put hand sanitizer in a coffee pot, one put cool-aid in a coke... but all joking aside, i understand where you're coming from, but the stuff pulled didn't have a malicious intent... it was just teenagers being teenagers, which involves doing absolutly ridiculous and stupid things....
    Intent and the end result can differ. Kids today eh. Now in my day bla bla bla....:D Anyone here that did not get into trouble as a kid? I doubt it.
    its what we do.
    Fair enough, but keep it between your friends and don't drag adults into it. Something to do with a sense of humor loss due to stress and old age.umph.gif
    DanielB wrote:
    i know its a poor excuse if that, but most of the time we know when to not pull something and when it would be okay... these kids just left their brains behind that day.:D .
    No excuse, get your hit rate up to knowing what to do all the time. Leaving your brains at home can be fatal.
    trust me, i know them. they ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
    I'd like to trust you but would you pull some wierd shit that meant I would have to kill you for dissin me..thumb.gif
    Leave the shed door closed on your mates for a while and go hang out with some women/girls(Possibly the worst advice I've ever given anyone towards a peacefull future)rolleyes1.gif .....

    "The important thing is to just take the picture with the lens you have when the picture happens."
    Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer

    Reporters sans frontières
  • DanielBDanielB Registered Users Posts: 2,362 Major grins
    edited March 12, 2006
    Bodwick wrote:
    Leave the shed door closed on your mates for a while and go hang out with some women/girls(Possibly the worst advice I've ever given anyone towards a peacefull future)


    meet abbie, my gf for the past 7 months...iloveyou.gif

    Daniel Bauer

  • AngeloAngelo Super Moderators Posts: 8,937 moderator
    edited March 14, 2006
    StevenV wrote:
    Daniel, please take this in the advisorial tone it's meant... communication is perhaps The Most Important skill in life. Without effective communication you'll very likely not be able to land the job you want or run your own business as effectively as you'd like, etc. Every day I see people ignored because they can't use their language (written or verbal) to convey their desires, feelings or even "simple instructions."

    You may not like the sylabus or the instructor or some other aspect of the course, but do your best to absorb the content even if you don't show it in the gradebook.

    Have you been reading this kid's various posts and threads on dGrin? Do you still doubt his communication skills? Seems to me his communications teacher is the one lacking. :D
  • AngeloAngelo Super Moderators Posts: 8,937 moderator
    edited March 14, 2006
    DanielB wrote:
    nod.gif what he said. except theres no way i'm gonna end up living in the states after i'm outta college and such.:D Canada or Europe for me. hell maybe New Zealand

    or at the very least a blue state. Or, stay in Kansas and work to reverse the horrors of the past few years by becoming politically active and restoring civil liberties.

    This thread has my blood boiling. Gee, thanks Daniel umph.gif
  • StevenVStevenV Registered Users Posts: 1,174 Major grins
    edited March 14, 2006
    Angelo wrote:
    Do you still doubt his communication skills? Seems to me his communications teacher is the one lacking. :D

    I don't doubt Daniel, and I agree. I was just replying to his comment that Communications was a "useless language arts class."
  • DanielBDanielB Registered Users Posts: 2,362 Major grins
    edited March 14, 2006
    DanielB wrote:
    meet abbie, my gf for the past 7 months...iloveyou.gif

    uhh... scratch that...:cry
    Daniel Bauer

  • David_S85David_S85 Administrators Posts: 13,316 moderator
    edited March 15, 2006
    DanielB wrote:
    uhh... scratch that...:cry

    Oooooh. Sorry to hear that Daniel. These first loves are always remembered and cherished - and that's a good thing, while it might not seem like it right now. Hopefully, it was an amicable parting.

    When you run into her at your 20th class reunion, and you both have kids of your own your age now, it will seem strange, but comfortable. Trust me. And it will suddenly make some sense.
    My Smugmug
    "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
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