guitar people?

just kinda curious to see how many people play guitar on here and what they're playing. bass counts too:thumb
i have an oldie Truetone not quite sure what it is...:dunno but its got that classic oldie style and tone. heres a couple pics. #1 #2 #3
and i have a Washburn T-14 bass except is wood stained body.
went to the guitar shop today and played with a few and i'm in love. so now i'm thinking of getting an Ovation Celebrity Deluxe :lust
any suggestions?
i have an oldie Truetone not quite sure what it is...:dunno but its got that classic oldie style and tone. heres a couple pics. #1 #2 #3
and i have a Washburn T-14 bass except is wood stained body.
went to the guitar shop today and played with a few and i'm in love. so now i'm thinking of getting an Ovation Celebrity Deluxe :lust
any suggestions?
Daniel Bauer
Shot with 707 I'm on the right playing guitar and harp
This is my favorite guitar has no wood all graphite ti really sounds good made in Hawaii
Me trying to be creative
I play for fun. I'm pretty much, a "Metal Head"
This pic is not supposed to be artful, just the only pic I currently have of my guitar.
It is a Schecter C1-Artist (left handed, strung right handed
Take care...
yeah, i like listening to metal and playing it occassionally. but when i'm just sitting down or by a campfire playing a song i prefer the tone and style of an acoustic
plus, i'm torn between a 17-40 and the Ovation.:cry
I thought for sure, by now, I'd own an acoustic...
pssst... know anyone who could use a bass and a 35watt bass amp? i'm selling my Washburn to help fund the Ovation.
"Osprey Whisperer"
"Osprey Whisperer"
i have that same issue of shutterbug lying on my computer desk. right next to PHOTOgraphic and Popular Photo.
started off in mandolin about five years ago--added a fiddle-- then bought a 1917 gibson f4--have another cheapo mandolin and fiddle and then got an electric fiddle--
got into guitars and have an electric, two round necked dobros, an acoustic and two classicals-
electronic piano (and regular piano upstairs) and electronic drumset-
and all I do when I'm not working 50-60 hours per week is take pictures and work on ps and stay on this forum-
oh well--ocd for you-
right now I'm in a guitar phase.
It's a Gretsch Duo Jet, Cadillac Green, reissue of a rare 1957 model, and it sounds awesome through my Orange AD30.
I have been playing for (gasp) over 40 years and have gone through a number of acoustic and electric guitars. Right now, I have a Spanish classical guitar and a Martin M-38, which is a gem. Since I took up photography I play a lot less than I used to. But the Martin will last a lifetime and I don't feel any need to replace it.
martin= 749 +tax, impeccable tone, but its a dreadnought and not particularly my style of guitar.
Ovation= 1059 +tax, great tone, feels great on my leg, and is the style i love.....
but i don't have 1059 dollars.:cry
i'm gonna go back up there tomorrow, play the martin and play a couple other ovations and maybe a couple fenders to see which ones i like best....
I do.. But my style is mostly "urban romance" (XIX century Russia), which sounds pretty alien to an average american ear...
However, I play some Beatles and blues, too:-):D
i love Blackbird.
Started as a drummer doing Beatles type stuff in the late 60's. Fell in with an odd bunch of guys playing bluegrass, celtic, and some original acoustic. We stayed together for 27 years. The last 4 years has been in another strange group playing celtic, maritime, folkie stuff.
Current line-up: '72 Guild D-35, '99 Taylor 810CE, '98 Stelling mandolin, Alvarez 5-string banjo, '60's era round neck Dobro, bouzouki, 2 old no-name fiddles, '95 Epiphone Les Paul Custom, and a '62 Gibson Les Paul Standard.
I've taken pix of my stringed friends and they seem to appreciate it. At least they sit still without fidgeting during the shoot. Not sure what my camera gear thinks about the music.
Only kidding. I have an Ovation. Not that I play it well but I like it.
Have you tried a Seagull?
I just checked their web pages. Yikes! They're a lot more cash nowadays than in their 1978 catalogue. Only $550 back then.
Now only if I didn't have that nasty carpal tunnel thing... :cry
EDIT: D-45 Celtic Knot Limited Edition $35,000 :wow :yikes
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
that... is an amazing looking guitar... check out those fret-markers.
Yes, that's the "Celtic Knot" pearl inlay. Way cool, but not $26,000 premium over the stock D45 cool.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
I can't recall ever taking a picture of either of my guitars... it's on the to-do list. But first I must learn Free Bird, ha-ha-ha.
cool thread Dan.
... come along.
whatcha think of that ovation rich?
what ovation ya got?
nope... haven't tried a seagull yet... i'm pretty much sold on either an Ovation, a Martin, or a 17-40 :uhoh its such a tough choice! ahhhh