I didn't realize I had to actually shoot it stopped down 2 stops. I exposed my RAW image twice, with one darker. But, I see that didn't do it. I'll try to do this again if I can get over there on a clear evening. Thanks loads for the tip.
Yep... RAW mode helps, but sometimes there is too much difference between light and dark in an image for the camera sensor to deal with.
Some tips for your reshoot:
If you're comfortable using your camera's meter in manual mode, that's probably the simple way to go. Just pick the aperature you want, adjust the shutter speed until the meter says you've got a proper exposure and take your first shot. Next set the shutter speed two stops faster and take your second shot.
If you're not comfortable with manual mode, just shoot in aperature priority. Shoot one shot with no exposure adjustment, and the second shot with two stops underexposure.
Another try at dimming the lights
Here's another try at this. I started over and darkened the second exposure down as far as it would go. Then I did some burning etc. I'm still going to try to reshoot if the weather cooperates, but how does this look for now?
ginger (It is later now.........don't have to do anything tomorrow, not that I know of.)
What am I going to do with all those photos, geez. I have wanted marsh shots like that since I moved here 20 yrs ago. Now I have all these new shots, people won't notice, Lynn who told me not to touch the other photo that I have entered, she will not be here, and I won't know what to do. Maybe I am just tired. Sure glad the sun did come out, hope it stays out.
Oh, the lights, nope still doesn't work. Are they on every night? Can you crop that part out? Someone should invent patches we could put over stuff like that.
More cityscapes
First I tried some levels and curves to brighten up this one. I think this is an improvement.
Next, I found a shot of the city that I took before the convention center lights came on. The other buildings have some lights.
This is a different crop of the above shot. I'm getting so tired of looking at these skylines that I can't tell if the rocks in the foreground add or detract. I'm inclined to favor the first shot. Any ideas on this.
I can't tell either, Snappy. And I am in some kind of weird mood, my advice would not be rational. Such as heavier blur on your water, you know "smooth the waters" a bit. The only problem is in the reflections, so I was thinking if you copied the bldgs and put them upside down.
The idea of just before those lights come on is great. I was wondering where you were standing to take those photos, figured that it must be dry land.
I think that without the reflections, I like the top shot best. It is a very good shot anyway, IMO. Or, I know how we just love to go back and retake a photo, but what about a time of day when there are reflections there?
I have never known a body of water that did not reflect what I wanted at a time of day, just trying to think of when that is? Maybe the water needs to be calmer, don't know.
See, I am really weird. Maybe it was staying up later last night.
This is edited in, I just saw that there is the beginning of reflections........ maybe it is a choice between the convention lights and faint reflections.
I can't tell either, Snappy. And I am in some kind of weird mood, my advice would not be rational. Such as heavier blur on your water, you know "smooth the waters" a bit. The only problem is in the reflections, so I was thinking if you copied the bldgs and put them upside down.
The idea of just before those lights come on is great. I was wondering where you were standing to take those photos, figured that it must be dry land.
I think that without the reflections, I like the top shot best. It is a very good shot anyway, IMO. Or, I know how we just love to go back and retake a photo, but what about a time of day when there are reflections there?
I have never known a body of water that did not reflect what I wanted at a time of day, just trying to think of when that is? Maybe the water needs to be calmer, don't know.
See, I am really weird. Maybe it was staying up later last night.
This is edited in, I just saw that there is the beginning of reflections........ maybe it is a choice between the convention lights and faint reflections.
That's right, Ginger. The best reflections are in that shot when it's much darker. The lights reflect pretty well there, but the convention center ruined the shot. The water is rarely still here. It's not a bay. It's open to the sea except for Coronado Island where I am standing. The ferry goes across from downtown to that dock that you see in the picture. My question is, do you like it with or without the rocks in the foreground? Oh, funny you should say to calm the waters. I already did. I put in "motion blur" with the line horizontal. I tried other blurs, but they look too fake to me. This one smoothed it out but left some lines.
Ok ive changed my mind... I like the one with the boat the best.. This latest reincarnation of it. I liked the bay bridge shot better at first but this one jumped out at me this time when I loaded this thread. Youve got alot of great shots here. Keep it up..
Ok ive changed my mind... I like the one with the boat the best.. This latest reincarnation of it. I liked the bay bridge shot better at first but this one jumped out at me this time when I loaded this thread. Youve got alot of great shots here. Keep it up..
Yes, looking back that boat shot is more intimate. Closer feel to the bldgs.
And they are in great focus.
I was on the phone with my daughter when I saw that, I couldn't post, I have to hold the phone when I talk.
Now the second I got off the phone I am back. You know, I kind of like it, in a Star Wars way. It has a definite Sci Fi look about it. I am not a Sci Fi fan, but art can be interesting on all levels.
(How long did it take you to do that?)
The problem is, I think the judges are going to be serious about this challenge and won't be in the same wacky mood I am in. So, just me, I would not enter that, even though I suggested it, well, I told you I was not talking with sanity today.
As a landscape it doesn't do it, as something else, another category, it might fit, then I would really like it. I can't do that stuff. I have CS and all these books, you do all this stuff I can't do.
I got Elements 2 when I got my camera, just came with it, since I already had it, I never used it. I put it on my daughter's computer when I was up there. I used it, too, left the pictures I took of her and her family on her hard drive, put the ones I wanted to make sure I had on smugmug and on Shutterfly.
I would imagine that I will be up later, if you want to come on and say something I will be around.
I am having a difficult time making a choice, too. I asked my husband. He liked a sunset that I put on my comments page this afternoon, and he liked the original entry I had. Between the two, he liked the sunset best. I am confused. I don't remember what has been said about sunsets. I don't think they have done all that well. I did not put that shot up last night because it is busy. The other shot is busy, too.
Would you please go over to my comments page and look at those two. The one I have been working on all along, before yesterday, and also the last one I posted. I have traded and put the sunset on the challenge, but I can't decide. I know a lot of people have helped and encouraged me on the older one.
Well, would you just look when you get a chance, just between the two. I might get a copy where they are next to each other.
I love your new landscape, fits my mood just fine, but I would not lead with it, don't know the mood of others but it couldn't be as off the wall as mine is today. Smile.
ginger :roll (uh, excuse me, back in my corner........laughing at nothing)
Cool effect! A very futuristic looking city! It reminds me of the Jetsens . I almost expect to see a bunch of little saucers swooping around!
Thanks Brad and Ginger,
This didn't take too long. The first thing I did was blur the water. Then I made a copy of that image. Then I selected the buildings and sky over as far as the dock. I dragged that over to the new image and flipped it over. Then I moved it into position over the water. Next I reduced the opacity to make it real light so you could see the water through it. Then I cloned in some sky and buildings in front of and behind the dock at the same opacity. When I got all finished with it, I didn't like it much because the buildings were pale and blurry and it made the water seem dull and foggy. So I was wondering how to sharpen it up. I selected the water area and clicked on auto levels. That sharpened up the buildings and raised the contrast on the water so much that it ended up with these wierd colors. I didn't want to fool with it any longer so I left it like that. Hehehe. It was a fun experiment.
I just got back from my evening reshoot of the downtown skyline. This thread is already 5 pages long. My gosh! I'm getting too much like Ginger.
Anyway, I'm going to take a look at what I've got. The convention center didn't seem as bright tonight. But, the weather was awful all day. Looked like rain but, it never rained. The clouds were so thick that the sun set real fast and there was no semi-dark period. I tried Cletus's method of shooting several shots on different fstop settings. I'll post anything good.
I see the perfect place in your landscape, Snappy, for a hover mobile. What I mean is one of those futuristic things that stay just above the surface, any surface and can scoot at good speed. I am sure they can also hold the new perfect number of kids: one and a half
There is just the place in the water, smile, I wonder how long it would take you to make one. Then you could always say you made the first......... sci fi car.
I think it is cool, too.
Will be interested what your down to earth shots look like. Can't imagine the real world competing with good fantasy. You are so good at this stuff.
Cityscapes at sunset
I'm back with some more. Some real down to earth shots. I'm so pleased. I didn't have to do anything to these. I did the RAW developing. Then some levels (just clicked auto levels), curves (just a tiny bit), and a crop on some. Oh, and I cloned out a crane.:D But, the water was pretty calm tonight and the convention center lights seemed dimmer. I think they had some big ones off or something.
Oh, before anyone says something about the horizon or water line, the shore is curved. So, both ends sort of go up where it curves back. Notice the buildings are vertical.
First two were taken just as the sun went down.
No. 1
You GOT IT, Snappy! And I am only up because my dogs made me get up, but I am not thinking yet. So I can't answer any questions. I like all of them at this point. hehe, a couple of days ago you would have killed to have just one of them.
I love it when shots go down easy. That is an advantage on my sunset one, the one I probably won't use, , but it went down smooth as ........whatever they say. Didn't do anything to it either.
Interesting about the lights being dimmer, I thought they might not be "on" sometimes, but didn't think about less bright.
(You are probably still sleeping. I know you are, if it is only 8 something here, I am glad you were able to go get those shots last night. They are great!)
Narrowing it down
Well I have to decide. I have a little different crop on the one with the boat. And I have a new one with sailboats. Then there is always the Bay Bridge shot
that I started out with. Any comments on these?
Well I have to decide. I have a little different crop on the one with the boat. And I have a new one with sailboats. Then there is always the Bay Bridge shot that I started out with. Any comments on these?
I don't know, Snappy. I think I like the sailboats better. I like the colors on the buildings. I hope some others come in and give their opinion. I like the reflections in both photos.
Thanks, for.......
and I will look again later to see
what I think on a second time, and to
see if anyone else has been on.
your gonna make this hard arent you..
you took too many good pictures for this challenege. Question for ya.. Which do you prefer. Im still gonna give you my opinion, but it helps to know what the motivation is behind some shots because it can add alot to an image. Anyways..I think I prefer the sailboat one. Would be great to have the sailboats and the colors from the sailbot shot with the background of the other one. Much more appealing background in the first image. I think I prefer the sailboats though.
Mike, I see what you mean about the background. Here is another thing I hadn't thought about, the sailboats are going into the picture, the other boat is going out of the picture.
Hi!, just jumping in here to throw my two cents in!
I really like the sailboat shot. To me, the warmer colors and the composition are just more pleasing. The only thought I have is that it would be nice--albeit a bit of work--to remove the building that is directly behind the right sailboat. If that were gone, those boats would be all alone against that skyline--which I think would be nice.
What do I do????
Aaaagh! You guys are not making this any easier. I've thought all the same things. I like the first one because the city is better. I like the colors in the second one. The boat in the first is going out, the boats in the second are going in... But they're right against that building. The sailboats are great! I got so excited when I saw them coming. I just kept snapping shots. But they flew through that bay so quickly. Sometimes they were in front of each other. They were against buildings. I got shots with the convention center in perfect light, but no boats. The boats are definitely better than plain water. I'm going crazy. I may not enter anything. I may go with the Bay Bridge. I may go and shoot something else tomorrow. I think there are better shots on the challenge already so it doesn't matter. None of these will win anyway. I'm so frustrated. This is such a tough challenge. :cry
where has this one been?
I agree with Judy.. this is the best one. Has the good buildings and the sailboad and... Its just a plain beautiful shot. You would have made it alot uasier on us if you had posted this one a couple days ago
Thanks Judy and Mike...
Sorry, I didn't have this developed out from RAW until now. Needed work. Whew! This has been exhausting. I'm so sick of this skyline, I never want to see it again. I went out and took more pictures, but nothing really good. I guess this is it. Thanks Ginger, Sid, Ben, Judy, Mike, Pathfinder. Everyone! When I put this one up, I knew it was the best. It's hard to chose when they are all "not quite right". I have lots of good pictures here. I could sell any one of them. But, it's not easy to go out on any particular day and get a "special" shot. I'll post a couple of my latest just for fun.
Yep... RAW mode helps, but sometimes there is too much difference between light and dark in an image for the camera sensor to deal with.
Some tips for your reshoot:
Thanks Lynn,
I like that too. Just found it. If I don't get the lights improved, there are still two to chose from.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Here's another try at this. I started over and darkened the second exposure down as far as it would go. Then I did some burning etc. I'm still going to try to reshoot if the weather cooperates, but how does this look for now?
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Another landscape/waterscape in Coronado
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
ginger (It is later now.........don't have to do anything tomorrow, not that I know of.)
What am I going to do with all those photos, geez. I have wanted marsh shots like that since I moved here 20 yrs ago. Now I have all these new shots, people won't notice, Lynn who told me not to touch the other photo that I have entered, she will not be here, and I won't know what to do. Maybe I am just tired. Sure glad the sun did come out, hope it stays out.
Oh, the lights, nope still doesn't work. Are they on every night? Can you crop that part out? Someone should invent patches we could put over stuff like that.
g again
First I tried some levels and curves to brighten up this one. I think this is an improvement.
Next, I found a shot of the city that I took before the convention center lights came on. The other buildings have some lights.
This is a different crop of the above shot. I'm getting so tired of looking at these skylines that I can't tell if the rocks in the foreground add or detract. I'm inclined to favor the first shot. Any ideas on this.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
The idea of just before those lights come on is great. I was wondering where you were standing to take those photos, figured that it must be dry land.
I think that without the reflections, I like the top shot best. It is a very good shot anyway, IMO. Or, I know how we just love to go back and retake a photo, but what about a time of day when there are reflections there?
I have never known a body of water that did not reflect what I wanted at a time of day, just trying to think of when that is? Maybe the water needs to be calmer, don't know.
See, I am really weird. Maybe it was staying up later last night.
This is edited in, I just saw that there is the beginning of reflections........ maybe it is a choice between the convention lights and faint reflections.
That's right, Ginger. The best reflections are in that shot when it's much darker. The lights reflect pretty well there, but the convention center ruined the shot. The water is rarely still here. It's not a bay. It's open to the sea except for Coronado Island where I am standing. The ferry goes across from downtown to that dock that you see in the picture. My question is, do you like it with or without the rocks in the foreground? Oh, funny you should say to calm the waters. I already did. I put in "motion blur" with the line horizontal. I tried other blurs, but they look too fake to me. This one smoothed it out but left some lines.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Looking back at this, I decided it was way too dark. I curved it up a bit. Like it much better now.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Sigma SD9, SD14, and DP1
It seems to be a choice between sky and rocks. I like the sky more than the rocks.
I hope someone else comes on. So we can varied opinions, I mean.
And they are in great focus.
OK Ginger, what do you think?
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
I was on the phone with my daughter when I saw that, I couldn't post, I have to hold the phone when I talk.
Now the second I got off the phone I am back. You know, I kind of like it, in a Star Wars way. It has a definite Sci Fi look about it. I am not a Sci Fi fan, but art can be interesting on all levels.
(How long did it take you to do that?)
The problem is, I think the judges are going to be serious about this challenge and won't be in the same wacky mood I am in. So, just me, I would not enter that, even though I suggested it, well, I told you I was not talking with sanity today.
As a landscape it doesn't do it, as something else, another category, it might fit, then I would really like it. I can't do that stuff. I have CS and all these books, you do all this stuff I can't do.
I got Elements 2 when I got my camera, just came with it, since I already had it, I never used it. I put it on my daughter's computer when I was up there. I used it, too, left the pictures I took of her and her family on her hard drive, put the ones I wanted to make sure I had on smugmug and on Shutterfly.
I would imagine that I will be up later, if you want to come on and say something I will be around.
I am having a difficult time making a choice, too. I asked my husband. He liked a sunset that I put on my comments page this afternoon, and he liked the original entry I had. Between the two, he liked the sunset best. I am confused. I don't remember what has been said about sunsets. I don't think they have done all that well. I did not put that shot up last night because it is busy. The other shot is busy, too.
Would you please go over to my comments page and look at those two. The one I have been working on all along, before yesterday, and also the last one I posted. I have traded and put the sunset on the challenge, but I can't decide. I know a lot of people have helped and encouraged me on the older one.
Well, would you just look when you get a chance, just between the two. I might get a copy where they are next to each other.
I love your new landscape, fits my mood just fine, but I would not lead with it, don't know the mood of others but it couldn't be as off the wall as mine is today. Smile.
ginger :roll (uh, excuse me, back in my corner........laughing at nothing)
Thanks Brad and Ginger,
This didn't take too long. The first thing I did was blur the water. Then I made a copy of that image. Then I selected the buildings and sky over as far as the dock. I dragged that over to the new image and flipped it over. Then I moved it into position over the water. Next I reduced the opacity to make it real light so you could see the water through it. Then I cloned in some sky and buildings in front of and behind the dock at the same opacity. When I got all finished with it, I didn't like it much because the buildings were pale and blurry and it made the water seem dull and foggy. So I was wondering how to sharpen it up. I selected the water area and clicked on auto levels. That sharpened up the buildings and raised the contrast on the water so much that it ended up with these wierd colors. I didn't want to fool with it any longer so I left it like that. Hehehe. It was a fun experiment.
I just got back from my evening reshoot of the downtown skyline. This thread is already 5 pages long. My gosh! I'm getting too much like Ginger.
Anyway, I'm going to take a look at what I've got. The convention center didn't seem as bright tonight. But, the weather was awful all day. Looked like rain but, it never rained. The clouds were so thick that the sun set real fast and there was no semi-dark period. I tried Cletus's method of shooting several shots on different fstop settings. I'll post anything good.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
There is just the place in the water, smile, I wonder how long it would take you to make one. Then you could always say you made the first......... sci fi car.
I think it is cool, too.
Will be interested what your down to earth shots look like. Can't imagine the real world competing with good fantasy. You are so good at this stuff.
I'm back with some more. Some real down to earth shots. I'm so pleased. I didn't have to do anything to these. I did the RAW developing. Then some levels (just clicked auto levels), curves (just a tiny bit), and a crop on some. Oh, and I cloned out a crane.:D But, the water was pretty calm tonight and the convention center lights seemed dimmer. I think they had some big ones off or something.
Oh, before anyone says something about the horizon or water line, the shore is curved. So, both ends sort of go up where it curves back. Notice the buildings are vertical.
First two were taken just as the sun went down.
No. 1
No. 2
Last two were taken after the sun was gone.
No. 4
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
I love it when shots go down easy. That is an advantage on my sunset one, the one I probably won't use,
Interesting about the lights being dimmer, I thought they might not be "on" sometimes, but didn't think about less bright.
(You are probably still sleeping. I know you are, if it is only 8 something here, I am glad you were able to go get those shots last night. They are great!)
Well I have to decide. I have a little different crop on the one with the boat. And I have a new one with sailboats. Then there is always the Bay Bridge shot
that I started out with. Any comments on these?
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
I don't know, Snappy. I think I like the sailboats better. I like the colors on the buildings. I hope some others come in and give their opinion. I like the reflections in both photos.
Thanks, for.......
and I will look again later to see
what I think on a second time, and to
see if anyone else has been on.
you took too many good pictures for this challenege. Question for ya.. Which do you prefer. Im still gonna give you my opinion, but it helps to know what the motivation is behind some shots because it can add alot to an image. Anyways..I think I prefer the sailboat one. Would be great to have the sailboats and the colors from the sailbot shot with the background of the other one. Much more appealing background in the first image. I think I prefer the sailboats though.
Sigma SD9, SD14, and DP1
So, the one with the sailboats, keeps you there?
I really like the sailboat shot. To me, the warmer colors and the composition are just more pleasing. The only thought I have is that it would be nice--albeit a bit of work--to remove the building that is directly behind the right sailboat. If that were gone, those boats would be all alone against that skyline--which I think would be nice.
Anyway, nice work!!
here's an example:
Aaaagh! You guys are not making this any easier. I've thought all the same things. I like the first one because the city is better. I like the colors in the second one. The boat in the first is going out, the boats in the second are going in... But they're right against that building. The sailboats are great! I got so excited when I saw them coming. I just kept snapping shots. But they flew through that bay so quickly. Sometimes they were in front of each other. They were against buildings. I got shots with the convention center in perfect light, but no boats. The boats are definitely better than plain water. I'm going crazy. I may not enter anything. I may go with the Bay Bridge. I may go and shoot something else tomorrow. I think there are better shots on the challenge already so it doesn't matter. None of these will win anyway. I'm so frustrated. This is such a tough challenge. :cry
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Ok, what about these?
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
I agree with Judy.. this is the best one. Has the good buildings and the sailboad and... Its just a plain beautiful shot. You would have made it alot uasier on us if you had posted this one a couple days ago
Sigma SD9, SD14, and DP1
Sorry, I didn't have this developed out from RAW until now. Needed work. Whew! This has been exhausting. I'm so sick of this skyline, I never want to see it again.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
good luck!