Once Again Looking For Comments

Over the last month or so I have posted my website (several different designs)looking for comments. Some were good some and some were bad.
So it was decided to scrap it all and start over, and here is the result.
What do you think?
So it was decided to scrap it all and start over, and here is the result.
What do you think?
Gary Harfield
Expose The Moment
Had a list of gear, now its to long, so lets say I have 2 bags and 15,000 worth of stuff.
Expose The Moment
Had a list of gear, now its to long, so lets say I have 2 bags and 15,000 worth of stuff.
Your pages are not consistent widths so from link to link, there is noticeable movement.
There is NO apostrophe in FAQs.
"Mouseover images to view" does not work here for me (FF Mac)
The green titles and also some nav links just don't match, do they?
3-across gallery thumbs looks odd. I should think you'd want 4-across, with the spacing you've made?
The text and nav links in your footer are really hard to read. Especially the green-on-teal. You cannot have the SmugMug footer text be unreadable, either. http://photos.exposethemoment.com/gallery/958946
Can't read the breadcrumb, it's green-on-teal.
http://photos.exposethemoment.com/gallery/958946 the slideshow button from The Graduate really doesn't match, at all. Ditto for the filmstrip arrows. As well, the filmstrip arrows need breathing room from the thumbnails.
http://photos.exposethemoment.com/gallery/958946 the default shopping carts from smugmug black can't be seen. You'll want to use the ones from smugmugwhite.
The header on your SmugMug pages looks really bland. Why is the navbar missing in Safari?
I'm sure there's more but I have to get to a meeting - Hope this helps!
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I use internet explorer galleries are 4 accross.
I see my nav on all pages
I only see regular defult shopping cart buttons on all pages
I dont see Graduate icons any where
you said
Your pages are not consistent widths so from link to link, there is noticeable movement.
is that my domain or smugmug pages
Yes Im looking for comments, however I am more concerned with my site and not any pages on smugmug
I want to fix all issues on url www.exposethemoment.com
then customize my smugmug pages if in fact there is a problem.
Smugmug info was not covered, its just the colors where not changed. when I changed the pages
Expose The Moment
Had a list of gear, now its to long, so lets say I have 2 bags and 15,000 worth of stuff.
Gary, it's like you don't want help from us, I don't get it. The page width jitter was on your site, not the smugmug site. You can see it if you click from different links in your navbar from one to the other. Mouseover on the page I referenced does not work for me, IE6 or FF.
On the SmugMug side, take the advice or not, it's up to you. The
You have filmstrip arrows and slideshow button from the graduate theme - they do not match your site. You have shopping carts that are too light. Your navlinks need color attention. This is in IE6 or FF on Mac.
It's generally accepted good webdesign practice to make your site work in IE6 and FF and Safari, the predominant browsers out there. If you don't want to follow that advice, that's cool.
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hi there - greyalofus here...i'm the person who put gary's site together..and i have some questions for you if you don't mind...
1)i am looking in both firefox and IE, and i do not notice page width jittering - the tables are a fixed width - i don't understand how they could move...perhaps you are seeing the scroll bar in FF which does make the page shift when it is longer than the browser - is that what you are referring to?
if so, we are considering using scrolling div's for pages that are too long in length.
2) - the mouseover phrase is incorrect - i will replace it when i finish choosing and processing the rest of the photos for the gallery slideshow.
3) i could not find anywhere in the site where i used FAQ's with an apostrophe.
As far as browser compatibility - i'm not sure what the issue is with the nav bar in safari - i usually don't check that browser - the menu is from sothlink dhtml - and according to their website it is compatible with safari 1.0 - as referenced here: http://www.sothink.com/product/dhtmlmenu/compatibility.htm
and also as reported by w3schools - safari has so little browser share - it's not even reported -
i'm not saying those statistics are the best - but it's what i had to go by when i purchased the software -
if anyone has an explanation as to why it wouldn't show up in safari - i'm interested to hear - and am willing to make changes wherever i can to be compatible with as many browsers as possible - although i don't know if it's possible to be compatible with all of them. the DHTML menu was chosen for gary as a way to streamline the many options he wants for his site without crowding.
neither gary or i are heavily experienced with co-branding of smugmug. we have done ok for the most part - but we could use some assistance in explanations of HOW we change things, not what is wrong - but rather the mechanics of making it RIGHT.
1) can you please point me to the directions on how i make a change to the tables so that it is 4 columns in both browsers? i don't understand why it is different in FF vs. IE, but is it, and I don't know how to fix that. I would appreciate any help you can give here.
2) the graduate icons were changed weeks ago, i don't know why you are still seeing them, perhaps it is your browser cache - i have checked on 2 other computers in my home and they do not show up - the regular white shopping cart icons do.
3) yes, the css on the smugmug site needs changing - however, is there some way to exactly pinpoint the elements? to date, it has been trial and error - as the css is not identified in such a way that i can find where the green gallery titles are coming from. the other css issues will be resolved soon - when i get the chance to work on things.
i am not a webdesigner by trade - i'm more or less a wannabee photographer and i am a photoshop junky. i know enough web stuff to be dangerous - but yet can manage to put together a site or two.
thanks for any replies...
Look harder
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Don't upset off 75% of Mac Users: http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=35748
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1) look to the miniBox widths, and use FF webdev extension - FF and the webdev are linked in my signature - both FREE
2) check again, I clear cache like every minute, part of the job
3) Gary knows this, too. USE FF and the FF Web Dev extension, it's FREE and easy and we teach you how to use them
Lots more great help to be had in the customization forum right here on Dgrin
I hope this helps!
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Just in case you don't dig deep enough into this link that Andy provided, I'll quote the pertinent part from the link within the link. <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/mwink.gif" border="0" alt="" >
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Hi Gary,
I barely know enough css/html stuff to keep myself from drowning
anyhow... just my worthless 2 cents. Have a great day & happy shooting.
Thank you cindy, your the first person who has looked at my website and actualy commented on the site design, rather then the flaws at hand.
That was the problem before, we where told the header was too busy etc so we decided to start from stratch.
I don't need to be concerned about smugmug, cause my smugmug set up is not what is selling my services, its the main domain URL thats selling my services, and the infomation I provide to my viewers.
Smugmug is a whole different issue and will be handled after the main url pages are fixed up.
Expose The Moment
Had a list of gear, now its to long, so lets say I have 2 bags and 15,000 worth of stuff.
Your welcome Gary
Something else I really like is your dropdown nav bar. I'd love to figure out how to do that on my site someday when that day is ever available - haha. I didn't know it was a dropdown until I hovered over it but I don't guess that matters much as anyone wanting to view will figure it out easy enough just as I did. I noticed that under some of the dropdowns (Faq & more; book & pay) that they're contained in an outlined box, but that your Gallery & Services dropdown are not contained in an outlined box. Just in case your wondering I like the dropdowns contained inside the outlined box containers best because when the color sometimes matches the photo below it helps to keep them seperated and much more easily readable. Hope that makes sense. I'd best get back to processing.
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No question. The stuff we need to hear usually isn't the stuff we want to hear. The help you give is an impressive example of how smugmug distances itself from the pack in terms of service.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I have received this from other at another site.
Um, let me see..........WOW!!! COOL!!! VERY NICE!!!
I like the arrangement of the site
Looks great Gary! This design is my favorite of all of your designs I've seen. I'm sure you are happy to have it done for now (is a website EVER done
The site looks really nice. Very streamlined and clean.
it definitely looks like a keeper.
99% of your comments seemed to be based on the Smugmug portion. As I stated before, yes comment are wanted, but the Smugmug portion is not what attracts visitors.
Expose The Moment
Had a list of gear, now its to long, so lets say I have 2 bags and 15,000 worth of stuff.
Yerbut garry .....some people eat marzipan. I'd have to question if they know what they are doing also.
Hmmmm.... Marzipan :eat
Don't think I'd be too quick to munch on his wee guy though.
I was mailed a load of shots like this but don't know where they come from so can't give the link. Sry. I'm not even sure why it was thought I'd be interested in cake design.
Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer
Reporters sans frontières
I'd say, try your maths again. Whatever though, I don't really care.
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Also, i think the caption-function needs to be removed on this photo, or a caption needs to be entered:
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
i'd lose an 'o' too
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
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Ok now for my beef. The language on your page for prepping for the shoot felt really harsh. I think a more passive voice would be better.
The is the first line of this page and I found it very off putting...
"Your hair, make-up, nails and everything else must be done at home and you must be ready for your session when you come to the studio. "
"I want to create portraits of people, not clothing."
I know that these are just 2 lines, taken out of context, but I really felt like you were ording me around rather than making helpful suggestions. I sort of got the feeling that you were doing me a favor by taking my pictures rather than providing me with a service.
Maybe it's just me, maybe I'm just feeling sensitive today.
Sorry if I was kind of harsh,
Bill Brandt
Thanks, yea I was already ware of that spelling issue. The site needs to be spell checked.
Also I don't allow any comments on any gallery. This must be a site wide over site, I check it out thanks.
Expose The Moment
Had a list of gear, now its to long, so lets say I have 2 bags and 15,000 worth of stuff.
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Something is wrong, I check that galley and comments are off.
Expose The Moment
Had a list of gear, now its to long, so lets say I have 2 bags and 15,000 worth of stuff.