Natwest Pro 40 Derbyshire V Surrey (Cricket)
Played at Queens Park Chesterfield UK
Everone was hoping for a Derbyshire win but they have not won at home since 2002
They lost by 8 wickets
got some ok shots though
C+C welcome

2 Going for six

3 Captain giving direction


4 Trying to stop the boundary

5 Anil Kumble



Everone was hoping for a Derbyshire win but they have not won at home since 2002

C+C welcome

2 Going for six

3 Captain giving direction


4 Trying to stop the boundary

5 Anil Kumble




I agree great shots
David Clifford is cricket anymore retarded than the sports by your insular country...that all too often complete against themselves and call it a world series ?
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I like particulary the shot.
interesting shots and good expressions - but could you put some of them in perspective for us non-commonwealth types that don't know anything about the game? That way, some of your titles ('going for six', 'stopping the boundary') might make a little more sense. Tx
Also, I'm curious, I've seen some (of your?) shots where the players are all dressed in white. Is that just a different league?
check out my (sports) pics:
*Thanks to Boolsacho for the avatar photo (from the dgrin portrait project)
That's why Baseball comes from cricket:D
Thank's Tassie for sticking up for me and cricket against these Americans:D
Well said, they have only just taken up some of the best sports like football Rugby
Thank's Antonio , do they play cricket in Portugal ?
Thank's Coleen
The Boundary is a line that runs round the pitch like baseball i think if the ball run past the line it is 4 runs if it goes over the line without touching the field it is 6 runs, there is more here
Insular country? You respond to my slight of cricket with a national slur? Brilliant. One man's opinion is now a national reflection? Should I poke fun at your status as a nation of criminals? Please, cricket, polo, golf are all bastions of aristocratic masturbation.
As for baseball being born from cricket, well, I guess being an American makes me a baseball fan too huh?
What is your sport
No. Not at all...
Have you seen my tennis players ?
and my kite surfers ?
they are at:
A friend at work competes in triathlon so i may give it a go, last week a came across some fell running that was good fun to shoot
Good luck with the sking, cycling and triathlon
Very nice action shots, these three.
The framing's off on the last one, and the depth of field doesn't work, but the intensity on the bowler's face is great!
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I prefer lowbrow.
But i hate Test cricket in any circumstances
My Gallery
Ive seen your tennis there getting better every time
Thank's Sid
I think for last shot i only had the 300mmF4 fitted as i had loaned my 200F2.8 and 1.4x to the chap next to me as he only had the kit lens
so he could try and get a few good shots
Thank's Awais
Pakistan now there's a real cricket nation
Nice and sharp! I like the whole collection.
I've never played cricket but both my dad and grandfather (Brits) played for years. Being Canadian, I've had very little oportunity to see live matches, but I would enjoy photographing one!
Keep up the good work Gsgary!
Chris Sedg. :cool
umm I wasn't stating that America is insular as a slur, more as an observation/fact...but if you want to dispute that...that's fine.
As far as the whole convict thing, that's's water off a duck's back to us Aussies.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Sorry to cr@p on your thread.
Great photos. Looks like the county season is getting underway.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
How far is it to the boundary? You get 6 runs for clearing the boundary on the fly, right? For baseball, that would be 100-125 meters, depending on the ballpark.