Ever lost a lens? I did!

I think I left it out on the dock Tuesday night! The 10-22, and I am just sick about it! Just sick!
Anyone else?
Anyone else?
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
It happened to me when I was a kid, in Malorca.
My father was filming, I asked to watch throught the viewfinder, I looked and I put the camera on a table.
We drove away.
When we came back there was nothing there, of course.
It was a Beaulieu 8mm film camera.
Some 10/15 years ago - may be more - in 1974, I bought a Canon super 8mm in Hong Kong and offered to my father.
Unfortunaly he sold it some years later.
BUT: are you Healthy ?
Yes you are.
Then, forget it. If you were ill it would be much much worst.
Get another lens and let's go on.
I had a Yashica FX1 film SLR (of course; I think only the CIA had access to whatever rudimentary digital imaging technology was available at the time), along with a 28mm, 50mm AND 150mm tele.
Forgot 'em all--ALL, mind you--after getting off the train in Darmstadt...or Babenhausen (I think, I forgot THAT, too!) :bash
You know, "Of all the things I lost, I miss my MIND the most"!
Never leave the key in your car when you go out for the newspaper.
Before a wedding I check to make sure I have all my gear in the bag twice, and I make sure I have the bag in the car at least once. My big fear is driving off with the bag on the ground. Before leaving a job I check to make sure I have all my gear in the bag twice, and that I have all the memory cards out of the camera and the cards in the case twice. Working as an assistant for 4 years trained me to be responisble for someone elses expensive equipment, so I'm totally nuts about my own. My former boss left a light meter on top of his car after shooting in a very open space park in Montgomery County MD during the height of the DC sniper attacks. We left a Vivitar 283 on a stand at a church (but it was recovered) and used the opportunity to experiment with wireless ETTL. I'd be sick over the loss of a 10-22 also...that really stinks.
Canon 60D
Canon Rebel XTi (400)
Canon 10-22mm, Canon 50mm f/1.8 II
MacBook, MacPro
I do have personal business cards in all of my camera bags, and I try to carry the bags and use them instead of putting lenses on a table etc.
Good luck finding it Ginger,
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
I am always leaving stuff about as i am constantly putting stuff down and walking away...i always do a lens count before i move off which is really quite silly as i dont know how many i have ..but i count them never the less.
I know im hopeless at leaving stuff behind so i keep my gear insured..were you ?
Ginger, sorry to hear about that. I know it must suck.. I know that feeling well. Ughh.
And you are young ...
Do it today if you havnt yet & i will bet london to a brick that you will get it back.
I can completely agree with you, and if I'd lost my lens, I'd be SICK, if not more so, as you are. someone did steal my wallet one time, it only had like $45 in it, but the wallet itself was about 3 a half times that...
"worry not, my dear friend, life is but an enjoyable ride."
btw, that's not a bad quote......I just came up with that...hahaha. I'll have to remember that.
well, I am sorry...that's a horrible experience - - - but hey, now you get to look forward to getting a new one! new things are always fun....just forget you ever had another one! and be like "ooooohhhhh- I'm getting a new lens!!!!! YAYA!!!!!"
My Equipment:
Canon EOS 5D w/ battery grip
Backup Canon EOS 30D | Canon 28 f/1.8 | Canon 24 f/1.4L Canon 50mm f/1.4 | Sigma 50mm f/2.8 EX DI Macro | Canon 70-200 F/2.8 L | Canon 580 EX II Flash and Canon 550 EX Flash
Apple MacBook Pro with dual 24" monitors
Domke F-802 bag and a Shootsac by Jessica Claire
Infiniti QX4
The worst thing I have lost is a pair of those computerized car keys a few weeks ago... it's going to cost me $600 to replace them :flush No one mentioned that the keys that were supposed to prevent my cars from being stolen were going to cost me an arm and a leg to replace
Just take the picture
Pictures are at available at:http://www.ballentphoto.com
My Blog: http://ballentphoto.blogspot.com
Better loose the keys than the car ...
Car keys have security inside.
Without them the car doesn't run. AT ALL.
Here - Portugal - and for my BMW, if I loose one key they have to ask another to Germany.
Probably it would cost as much as to you...
ouch, I should probably be careful...because my car keys have one of those blue chips in them, so the car can't be hotwired....and I can't get spares made without actually ordering them from inifiniti themselves. a good security feature I guess - - - but not really economical, huh? all I have is two....
btw, where is that second one....
- Re
My Equipment:
Canon EOS 5D w/ battery grip
Backup Canon EOS 30D | Canon 28 f/1.8 | Canon 24 f/1.4L Canon 50mm f/1.4 | Sigma 50mm f/2.8 EX DI Macro | Canon 70-200 F/2.8 L | Canon 580 EX II Flash and Canon 550 EX Flash
Apple MacBook Pro with dual 24" monitors
Domke F-802 bag and a Shootsac by Jessica Claire
Infiniti QX4
True, but I was mildly annoyed at the thought that I lost the keys (100 bucks to the guy/gal that can find them hehe they are hiding in the SD Zoo :uhoh) but I went to the stealership and asked them how much the replacement was. The gal did not want to tell me and said I needed to talk to an advisor, then the bomb dropped. My wife called the other dealership and then the perfect storm formed. Bam about $600 to replace both, there went the extra SB-800 heheh. Oh well. So VW, Lexus, BMW, MB owners fair warning you are carrying a cheap college student's computer or a nice lens, flashes in your pocket/purse.
Just take the picture
Pictures are at available at:http://www.ballentphoto.com
My Blog: http://ballentphoto.blogspot.com
This rememinded me of two events. 1. Last year I found a lens on a park bench. I was able to locate the owner within 10 minutes. 2. We recently had a conversatiion at work where we created a hypothetical senerio where you found a wallet with $200.00 in cash, credit cards, and ID. The question was whet do you do? I WAS STUNNED by some of the answers!!! While they wouldn't use the credit cards many more than I would have thought possible said they thought it was ok to keep the money!
I was very unpopular when I told them what I thought of the people who had that kind of character, or lack of character. ( My real response is not D-Grin safe to type here).
But there are still honeswt people out there so go post a lost & found sign.
Sorry to hear you may have lost your lens Ginger, I've not lost one but done some serious damage to one.
I hope someone is honest enough to give it back...... do post some signs, you have nothing to lose doing that........fingers crossed all goes well.
Skippy (Australia)
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Hope it is returned to you.
Cincinnati Smug Leader
I "lost" my EF 50mm F1.8 II yesterday. It died. I took it out of my fanny pack, after a night at the races, and it came out in two parts. I have no idea why, it wasn't dropped or anything, at least not recently. It was over 10 years old, so I guess it had given it's all. :cry
At least Ginger has a chance, even if slim, at getting her's back.
And good gosh, now I know that Cameras are Made to die, but lenses????
Never knew that.
After great anguish, I have remembered that my father, my age at the time (very old, lol), left his camera w lens, of course, on a tripod in a field in Switzerland. That story was told many times before he died in '89. He used Leicas. That is the bad thing, the good thing for him, he could afford to replace it: though the loss was never forgotten. And what was he doing in Switzerland when he lived in Fla, USA, obviously he had more money than I do.
It was not insured. I procrastinated. I do change lenses, put them where they won't fall, but not always in the case. I pretty much trust the people where I was shooting. But since I didn't miss it for two days..........that is too many people to trust.
We have called the police, nothing yet. I am watching the want ads. Will place a sign when my husband gets home. I spent half of yesterday out there looking for it. I used it Tues night, I know where I was putting my lenses. Changing them constantly, they were on the dock, where they wouldn't fall off, next to my backpack. Yesterday, I kept looking at the seat that is there just expecting to see the D lens!
If I have to lose a lens...................well, it is one of the cheaper ones. The bad thing is that I don't have the money to replace it, and though I did not use it all the time, when I did the photos were always good. I was quite proud of that lens.............. bought it from Rutt, darn!
I figure that if the people who found it were drinking fisherman, they could have thrown it away. If they were not, they could have taken it home for when they see me again.............yes, posting a sign would be a good idea!
There was one for a lost dog, didn't occur to me.
I do have business cards in my backpack. Heaven forbid that I should lose that with all in it. I can't wear the darn thing all the time. Though it is a very good backpack, my back and legs are not that good!
ginger (I hate to become all paranoid, but I have had some near misses in the past. So, this is a bad thing, but a warning to heed! My car is a '91 Honda Civic with a normal key. I have coveted and wanted one of those cool keys that "click" everything on the car open and on. Thanks for helping me out on that envy!)
But there's always hope. My wife lost a $600 pair of prescription glasses on an airplane earlier this year. She discovered them missing about 45 minutes after getting off, shortly after arriving back home. We called the airline right away and they went and checked. No luck. We then completed an official lost item report and pretty much forgot about it. Three months later, a package arrives, it was the glasses! We unfortunately couldn't wait and ended up buying new glasses, but it was still great to get them back (they were her favorite frames which couldn't be purchased anymore).
So maybe you'll also get lucky and your lens will find its way home.
I feel for you, I would be heart sick too!
14 years ago my husband & I went on our first get away together. Just a weekend in the Smokey Mountains, not much but my favorite place in the world. We came home, unloaded the car and accidently left the camera in the glove box with the car unlocked. Yep you guessed it. the next morning the glove box was open and the camera gone. With the film in it. To top things off it was my Dad's Pentax IQ Zoom.
We offered a reward for the camera, we offered a reward for the film, but no luck. I replaced my Dad's camera but we could never replace the pictures that we lost.
I Learned something a few years ago that I try to live by... You have to really think about it, for it to make sense. "If money can fix it, it doesn't matter." Keep in mind that I was told this by a woman with 10x the income that I have so I initially blew it off.
The more I thought about it the more it makes sense. If my daughter breaks the $50 tea pot that I bought at an art show, I can fix that by buying another. Maybe it won't be exactly the same; but, oh well. What money can't fix are the hurt feelings and harsh words as I berate her for being clumsy. So money can't fix; lost film, hurtful words, and death: and anything that money can fix is isn't that important.
Keep your chin up!
Bill Brandt
I am sorry Cat but I don't agree completely.
Why ? Because there are things that money can fix.
Example: Heath.
Money doesn't give us Heath but it helps a lot to get it !
Isn't this true ?
Be Heathy !!
Darn Straight!
However, I do understand the sentiment! What is gone is gone. Life is more important than possessions.
I appreciate all the answers.
I have still not gotten my lens back. I don't expect to now. And I am a very trusting person. It was dark when I left the dock. The only people left there were drinking belligerent (sp) fishermen.
If they did not throw it in the creek, there were two days, and nights, for someone else who does not know me at all to find the lens. People there are regulars, out of town tourists and "day trippers" (an hour or so away).
If a regular found it, I would hope that sometime I might see the person again. ON the other hand....................
I mean to post on the camera thread.
Now my on camera flash won't pop up.
Since my warranty ran out in Feb, I have had major problems with this Canon camera. At this point I would never buy a Canon again.
The people here, on dGrin, well they are SUPER people, and it was through their help, and the help of smugmug that I got my camera through major repairs a few months ago. (I wore it out with actuations)
Then it was back in the shop. Different manifestation of the same problem. They were going to charge me, because of all the actuations.........I had to call to straighten that out.
Now the flash is broken. Actually, I had the flash fixed BEFORE the warranty ran out.
I discovered this yesterday. At this point I am in shock, I can live w/o the flash, but it is apparent to me that I have a lemon of a camera at a time in my life when I can't afford a lemon. I can't replace/fix anything. I will call them..............when I think I can without saying something I might regret.
On the lens, I loved that lens, but I love all of my lenses. That was a glamour type lens, one I had waited to buy and got good photos with. But I am lucky I did not lose my birding lense, or my more normal lens.
Thanks for all your stories and suggestions.
The 10-22 is such a sweet lens too ... too bad it wasn't a Quantaray or some other Coke-Bottle-Type-Glass lens.
Good luck on getting everything straightened out. Sorry about your loss.
Unsharp at any Speed
My www. place is www.belperphoto.co.uk
My smugmug galleries at http://stuarthill.smugmug.com